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Looking for a 35mm lens...

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I'm switching from a 50mm Summicron and would like to find a 35mm screw mount

modern lens but don't know what is out there.


Ideally I shoot colour and black and white self-portraits - I'm looking for a

crisp modern lens like a 35mm f2.0 lens which doesn't cost the earth and a few



I've tried some Russian planet lenses as well as Voigtlander pancakes. These

are fine but I've outgrown theiir look.


Do I have any affordable options other than a 35mm LTM Summicron? Do such

lenses exist? What about the new Carl Zeiss Ikon lenses - are these available

in screw mount?


Thank you for any thoughts.



x ~ x<p>



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You can get the Cosina Voigtlander 35/2.5 Color-Skopar Classic new in screwmount from Cameraquest. It's an excellent lens. You can also get the Cosina Voigtlander 35/1.7 Ultron in screwmount; I've never used this lens but have heard good things about it too.
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No, the Zeiss Ikon lenses are M-mount only.


At the speed you are looking for your only modern choices are the CV 35/1.7, the very limited LTM Summicron ASPH and the highly rated, but quite hard to find Konica 35/2 UC.


Earlier than these would be the (collectable) version 1 Summicron in LTM, Canon 35/1.8, Canon 35/2, Canon 35/1.5, and the Nikon 35/1.8.


I think this covers the options, and affordability is between you and your bank manager!

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Bill - the 50mm Summicron is my only lens. I'd like a second lens, preferably wider. Otherwise I might just sell my screwmount and go for a fixed lens rangefinder instead.


Bob - I've tried the Voigtlander 35mm f2.5. It's a decent lens although seems to lack sparkle? or je ne sais quoi compared to the Summicron. I don't know whether that is because 50mm lenses are generally superior in quality to other focal lengths, or whether other reasons are relevant. Does the f1.7 35mm show any gains over the pancake? I don't even know if the +1 stop gain will be usefully sharp and contrasty.


Thanks Ben,although the news is a little disappointing. I thought that was the advantage of screwmount cameras over an M mount. There's an LTM Summicron for sale at the moment on a popular internet auction site. Is it much more expensive than a standard M mount Summicron?


I'm a bit surprised that all these screwmount Leicas have such a limited wider lens options.


Does anyone know how the Summaron f2.8 35mm compares with modern Summicron 35mm lenses?


Thanks for any help.

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Agree on the Canon lenses.


You say "crisp modern" and therefore might prefer the look of the Canon 35/2.0, a 1960's lens and I believe the most "modern" of the ltm Canons. I've used the slightly older, but by no means ancient 35/1.8. It's very good. The focus throw, however, is longer than on modern lenses.


Many really like the Voigtlander 35/1.7, but I've never used one. Seen quite a few photos, though, and the photos look very good.

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Miffy: I used to have a 35mm Summaron f/2.8. I traded it for a 35 Summicron because I needed the speed. But at any aperture from f/2.8 and smaller, the Summaron was just as good.


Unfortunately, the Summaron f/2.8 is currently trading at ridiculous prices. It seems to have all started with an article in the LHSA Viewfinder a couple of years ago, extolling the fine performance of this lens. Since then, you could get a version 2 or version 3 Summicron for the same price!


I use the Summicron versions 1 and 4. Also have the Summilux pre-aspheric, and the ASPH. And the Voigtlander 35/2.5. I can say that the Voigtlander is as crisp and modern as the others! It is rather contrasty, which in one or two shots has been a disadvantage. More usually, it is fine.


What is it about Voigtlander lenses that you have outgrown?

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It's a collapsible Summicron with a yellow look coating - I like it shot at f2.0 too. Is the Voigtlander 35mm f1.7 exciting at f2.0?. I just don't know if the Voigtlander f1.7 is any different from the other 35mm lenses that Voigtlander make.


I'll bookmark the Canon 35mm f2.0 and see if one comes up.


Many thanks.

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Hi Rob,


I don't know the LHSA Viewfinder reference. Guess I'm just a bit naive looking for a lens. Are your lenses in screw mount fit? I was wondering why most are offered in just M mount.


The Voigtlander Skopar 35mm lenses are fine. They're as good as the Russian Jupiter lenses too, although if I had to own a 35mm lens, I'd want to make sure it was one I didn't want to give up and try another one later. There's certainly no advantage in sharpness from the Voigtlander/rangefinder lenses compared to SLR enlargements that I notice. Maybe I'm finding that I get more bite from SLR lenses and maybe (hopefully) my 50mm Summicron than the Skopar lenses at A4 size prints. Guess I'd like a characteristic 35mm lens which I'd be happy to keep on half the time.

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Hello Miffy,


Since you are looking for a 35mm <modern> lens, good as they are, summaron's probably won't fit the bill. Not even the first gen LTM summicron (which is way too expensive these days.) Same goes for the UC-Hexanon 35/2.


The limited LTM 35mm cron ASPH would probably be what you are after, BUT, it is hard to come by and also quite expensive, heavy and bulky.


The Canon 35f2 is compact and sharp, not that expensive. Some people don't like its bokeh wide-open though.


If speed is not a critical factor, you could also consider the W-NIKKOR 35/2.5 or even the 35/3.5(my favourite) in LTM. They are really great performers.

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Thanks YOL - that's pretty much what I was kind of dreading.


For the cost of a limited edition LTM mount 35mm Summicron, am I just better off packing in the whole Leica kit and buying a Rolleiflex G2.8 instead? I can't compete with the collectors, what with being on a bunny budget and all ;(


Well that's two unlikely target lenses to look for before I started asking - I'll look for a Canon or a Nikkor lens until the bigger dilemma beckons.


Many thanks.

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Recently, I paid $530 for a mint canon 35/2 (probably on the high side, an exc one is $400-ish.) paid about $300 for the w-nikkor, about the same level as a mintish summaron 35/3.5. OTOH, I was lucky to have the LTM 35 cron ASPH for about $2000, same 3 years ago. Not sure what is the current price, but certainly higher. That is IF you can find one.
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The Canon 35/2 screwmount has very high centre sharpness, even wide-open. 2-3 stops down it is reputed to be as good as the summicron. The w-nikkor 35/3.5 is of a Tessar design (if I remember correctly). Already good wide-open and by 5.6 to f8, it's great. It's slower than the canon but is also much more compact and looks sooo nice on a Barnack.


<img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/180/375331423_edb19fc0e5_o.jpg">



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The f3.5 35mm Summaron is an excellent lens. The reason its virtues are not appreciated

more is that most examples have some degree of hazing which dramatically lower the

contrast. If you find one in reasonable shape for a reasonable price and are prepared to

factor the hassle of having it serviced you won't regret it.



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I have to disagree with the statement that the 35mm Summaron f3.5 is a an excellent lens by modern standards. I had one for a while and although I liked it very much for its excellent build quality I didn't think it was particularly sharp -- apparently the 2.8 version is better but I haven't tried it. IMHO the lens to go for, as has been suggested, is the Ultron. It's reasonably priced, sharp wide open and well built. Much nicer than the 35mm Color-Skopar which is not so well built and is, as has also been pointed out, rather too contrasty for monochrome. I did some testing a few months ago and found, to my surprise, that the Ultron is better at f2 than the Cron IV both in terms of sharpness and contrast (the Cron has extremely low contrast at f2). A great lens at a reasonable prince.
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YOL - you have a wonderful set up there.


Gary - thanks for depressing me :)


Simon - I've been looking but since this is such a big step (from one lens), I feel a bit nervous about biting the carrot on a lens I don't know much of. I'll look out for it along with the Canon and Nikkor.


Lawrence - does the 35mm f1.2 show any other visual gains over the 35mm f1.7 Ultron? I know the 50mm Summicron is very low contrast at f2 too.

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Hi Miffy,


You seem to be drawing the wrong conclusion from this thread, which doesn't surprise me too much having just read through it :-)


Lets get clear. The right choice is that VC 1.7 Ultron.


It has that modern look, it is screw thread, comes at the right price and is significantly better than other VC choices.


Buy a chrome one if possible, as black version gets old quickly.







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