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Filter system for large diameter lenses


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I`ve just bought a Pentax 67II with the f4.5 55-100 mm zoom (95 mm lens diameter) and I really love it. To my big surprise I was able to do sharp shots handheld at shutterspeeds 1/30 when I did some testing. Maybe, the problem with mirror shock isn`t that big as commonly reported ?! As I still want to buy one or the other lens with different lens diameter I4m wondering if there is a filter system, usable for lenses with diameters from 67 - 95 mm.

Any advise would be really appreciated.



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There are a few good filter systems but I would suggest looking at something like the Lee system. They have a bellows hood with several slots for multiple filters. You would have to buy an adaptor ring for Pentax. Check to see if there are any of these or alternative brands on ebay or the likes. One of the good things I found about Lee was the graduated filters that can be move to cover any portion of the image, vertical or horizontal.

Good luck with whatever you get.

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I'm familiar with your problem, Franz, because I once wrestled with it myself. I had five P67 lenses spanning three different filter sizes, and was in no mood to be shelling out the required moola to fit each with a complete set of circular filters, nor make space for all that redundant glass in my camera bag. I went with Lee, and got the conceptual satisfaction of buying a single filter and fitting it to all five lenses, but it didn't turn out to be the cheap solution that I was looking for.


The good news for you is that Lee does indeed make a 95m ring adaptor; the bad news is that it lists at $108 ($96.95 at B&H). That's just the adaptor, mind you. The "Foundation Kit" (Lee's marketing double-speak for "filter-holder") will run you another hundred or so. At this point, you've spent $200, and you still haven't bought a single damn filter. So much for economy.


However, there's Colin's point: with the 4"x6" filter formats, such as Lee or HiTech, you can position the gradient on graduated filters wherever you please. And as to your concern regarding "problems" with wide-angle, I can attest to the fact that the Lee holder coupled with an 82mm wide-angle adaptor will not obstruct the P67 45mm's 89 degree angle of view. As for 92 degrees, well, you're on your own, pal.

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Thanks a lot to all responding. As far as I can see, there are 2 possible systems: the Lee system and the Cokin X-Pro-Series system. Pretty expensive both, with a little advantage in this term for the Cokin system, at least in terms of adapter and filter holder (Cokin Filter Holder vs. Lee Filter Holder: 65 $ - 100 $; Cokin 95 mm adapter vs. Lee 95 mm adapter: 45 $ - 97 $.

I haven4t got any information about the prices of matching Lee filters yet, as they are not (or just hard?) to get in Europe.

As an example for the prices of Cokin X-Pro-Series filters in Germany:

Pol-filter (circ.): about 400 $

Graduating filter grey: 50 $

81A: 40 $

Being appaled especially by the price of the Pol-filter, I4d like to ask first if it could be worth the money, and secondly if there is someone able to tell me the prices of the Lee filters or the source, where to get information.

Another questions I`m wondering about is, whether one can use Lee or other filters on a Cokin filter holder.

Any information would be highly appreciated.


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