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This is a long shot. I like to photograph abandoned buildings and I've seen a

number of photographs from Romania that make me think I should go. But I

don't have the language and I don't want to drive aimlessly round the country

looking for old factories and running the gauntlet of security guards or

police I can't communicate with.


The answer seems to be a guide to take me to such places and can handle any

necessary communications/permissions.


Any ideas where I might start to look?

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It's not a very easy one, really, most travel agencies in Romania would only take you to the nice tourist destinations... Your best bet is to get in touch with a local, perhaps via photography websites? People would generally be friendly and helpful.


As a destination a place where you may want to go is called Călan, in the Hunedoara region. There is a huge abandoned steel mill there, kilometers after kilometers of desolation. In the past you'd had more trouble with the metal scavengers and stray dogs than security guards, but it may be more protected these days. See <a href="http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C4%83lan">here</a> and <a href="http://www.panoramio.com/map/#lt=45.7333333&ln=22.9833333&z=4&k=2&a=1">here</a>.


There is a very nice castle in Hunedoara itself (and another steel mill there that's still active). Maybe some agencies taking tourists to the castle may be doing special trips for special customers interested in the industrial landscape. But I can't recommend any.


There are actually plenty of Romanian photographers around this website, they may be able to provide more help. And I'm sure you'll be able to find some kind of derelict industrial building in almost any Romanian town...

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Calan is beeing demolished piece by piece and above that is filled with people that are stealing everything they can there. I don't know if it's a good idea to go in there with a camera.


David, Romania is a great target for what you're looking for, let me know when you plan to get here. I think I can give a you a couple of reasons why: http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=783569 ! Enjoy!

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