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mamyia rz67pro II


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Things are simple: I was a boy whole year and I deserved a gift. I'm thinking

about Mamyia RB67 pro II, I found one offer around 800 euros(I havent argoued

about it yet, so it an be lower). The kit consists of one 120 back, body, waist

level fous finder and lens.

My question is:

1) Would you choose 110 mm lens or rather 180, I dont have any detailed

specifiations, but I'm gonna use the workhorse for indoor fine art , sometimes

loation (no, no wedding, hah). I would like to have standard 80mm in kit but

unfortunately... can someone enlight me in this matter. I saw 110 lenses on

ffrodes.com, even though second handed they are deerer than 180...


2) Backs... there's 120 back, 6*7 mask there, I'm thinking if it would be

possible to get back 6*6, someone may say that I can crop images on the later

stage, but I dont want think about cropping while shooting, I just wanna have

pure 6*6


3) Scanning... I have access to Hasselblad sacanner, it has 35mm neg holders,

6*4,5 , 6*6, I haven't seen in college 6*7 neg holder, is is possible to get

someting like that.


I'm writing that post to get rid of my ignorane reg mamyia, as everyone knows

ignorance is a cause of the suffering, so don't let me seffer... thanks in

advance for all answers.

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I think you might be paying top dollar (or?) for an RZ as here in the states they are getting

cheaper even for excellent condition used equipment.

Use KEH.com as your price bible in US$, or buy from them as they are very reputable and

returnable. If you are using pound sterling you get a discount anyway as the all mighty

dollar is a bit Bush-whipped.


The best starter lens is the slightly longer than normal 127 and get the KL variant. Great

optics and sharp.

The 180 is a good portrait lens. I am not familiar with the 110. they make a 90 that is also

"normal" based on the diagonal of the 6X7 neg size. 80 is normal for 6X6.


Dont forget because the film plane and back can rotate orientation, the image circle

thrown by the lens is actually greater than 7 X 7, to cover both horizontal and vertical.


Restricting yourself to 6 X 6 wastes the purpose of this camera with its almost no crop to 8

X 10 format that 6 X 7 gives and less enlargement to get there and therefore sharper



With easily replaceable focusing screens with grids, you can easily mark/mask off your

desired 6 X 6 area. But why waste the big neg? Crop square while printing if need be.


Hasselblad might offer a 6X7 carrier for the scanner, but probably not since they dont

make a 6X7 camera. Epson makes carriers for their sanners all the way up to 4X5.


I have used the RB and Hasselblad an prefer the Hasselblad's "compactness". The RZ/RB is

a TANK by comparison, but has its unique qualities/advantages.


Hope that helps any confusion with my two cents (or pence) worth.


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Hi Darek,


I don't know if its ok to mention here, but I have an RZ Pro ll that I originally bought for

product photos. I've completed that work and haven't used it for a few months. I also have

a 645 and I really don't know need both, so if you're interested, drop me a line. I could

take a close look, but I think the body, back, 110mm lens are in pretty mint condition. Its

never been used roughly or outside. I really like the rotating film back; it makes

composition on the tripod much easier. Its really a drag (for me) that well built film

cameras have dipped so much in value. I still love the whole film workflow. I even enjoy

the scanning and digital processing! Weird, I know. The RZ has been great by the way, for

producing gorgeous 30" x 42" inkjet images.

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