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Would you get Elements if CS3 was only $300?

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I know the elements vs. Photoshop question has been asked a billion times so

this reallly isn't that question exactly. I have used Elements 4.0 on a Windows


but recently bought a Macbook Pro, and I'm neeeding software for editing beyond

iphoto. My experience with Elements is limited so I am up against the learning

curve. I am relatively tech savvy, however.


I know the new mac Elements version is coming out soon next year, but since I am

a student I can get the CS3 Extended for only $299. I know for now it is way

more than I need (for now), but if it is discounted that much I'm wondering

whether to bite the bullet and get something that will grow with me. I don't

have hopes of turning pro or anything, but I don't want to buy elements and find

that I can't do something when I am ready to. Thanks for your help!

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For that price I would get PS CS3 - in the future all you'll need to buy are the upgrades. If you don't get it now, you'll have to shell out over $600 if you were no longer a student. It's Christmas time you know - ask your folks to chip in - it is certainly an investment into the future.
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Photoshop is clearly the best product for professional and advanced amateur use, regardless of price. If you can "join the club" for $300 and get an hard copy (not a $200 bulk license download), then do it. With your own "student" copy, you are eligible for upgrades in the future, which cost about $150 every two years or so.


Elements (and Premiere Elements) is a bargain, and sufficient for starters and casual use.

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Be VERY careful about buying unpackaged bare CDs for Photoshop. There are (or were) many pirated copies of the software which are unlicensed meaning it cant be upgraded or even load at all with Adobes online security check. Adobe was very diligent in attending computer swap meets and confiscating pirated versions of their products. That said, a legal boxed version with all the security precautions intact is the way to go. There is no free lunch even for starving students
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As a Lightroom user, I would not buy CS3 for $300. My $50 copy of Elements V5 couples quite well with LR and I feel no need to spend an extra 250 for the same editing power I already have.


I know CS3 does more stuff, but I seriously doubt that I would actually USE that extra stuff. I consider Lightroom my main photo software and the editor is an adjuct to it.


The thing is, to make the right decision for you, you need to know what it is you are likely to need from a software package and a beginner isn't likely to be at that point.

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I just purchased CS2 on e-bay for $115.00, i also saw CS3 for under 200.00 the version i recieved was sealed new in the box and loaded with no issues. just some thing to think about...


i used Elements 4,5 & 6 until getting CS2, i will never go back so get the Cs3.

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