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noise in pana lumix L1


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i shoot since few weeks with a Panasonic Lumix L1. It gives in my opinion lots

of noise (most colornoise) even at 200 or 400 iso, in RAW and good exposed

images. I develop my RAW images in Apple's Aperture and i notice not only noise

but aslo ''banding'' in grey and dark parts, from 400 to 800 iso. In JPEG it is

a litlle better with the noise reduction in the camera on, but it gives a to

blurry pic. I tried another developer (silkypix, delivered in the box with

camere) and it got something better. Who has experience in this matter and can

give me some advise, becide Noise Reduction in photoshop or with noise ninja?


thanks in advance, Joost.

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Hi Joost


I have found my D3 and L1 to be just fine on noise up through ISO 400 but I guess that is a taste thing to some extent. I do prefer using JPEGs, this is one of those cameras where using RAW doesn't have much value added from what I have read and experienced. To give the D3/L1 JPEGs more snap I recommend the following because the default settings are set too soft and the D3/L1 has a lot of reserve for more sharpening:


Make a custom film setting using the standard film mode then turn up the sharpness two points and contrast up one point above the neutral settings. Alternatively, try using the Dynamic color film setting. Also, if you haven't done so already, update your firmware to version 2.0, that will also improve JPEG performance.

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<a href="http://homepage.mac.com/ramarren/photo/PAW7/large/51b-half.jpg"


<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/ramarren/photo/PAW7/large/51b.jpg"


Autumn Color - Ground Signs 2007<br>

<i>©2007 by Godfrey DiGiorgi<br>

Panasonic DMC-L1 + Vario-Elmarit-D 14-50/2.8-3.5 ASPH OIS<br>

ISO 400 @ f/3.5 @ 1/15 sec, P <br>


Click the image above for a larger version in a separate window.</i><br>


All my L1 photos are made with RAW capture enabled. I process files in Adobe Lightroom

along with Photoshop CS2. I have not had any problems with noise in the range between

ISO 100-400. I don't use noise reduction software, only what's built into Lightroom and

Photoshop (and that lightly).




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I have the same camera and my impression (I have not tested it properly) is that the camera has more noise at all ISO settings than my D70s. Even at lower settings. I prefer sharpness in an image so this is part of the reason I suppose, as I tend to use higher sharpness settings in my custom mode, I figure why spend a small fortune on a nice camera with a Leica lens if it is going to turn in unsharp images! The noise is tolerable up to around 400 or but beyond that begins to become excessive. I have not seen any banding as you describe it. I will always still need to sharpen in post processing (Photoshop) but find that this quickly introduces JPEG artifacts in the L1 images. IN short the L1 is a lovely camera but has limits due to its 4/3sensor adn the inability of its software to fully compensate.
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Thank you all for answering! Doug I tried you?re advice right away, thanks a lot. I want to

share the results with you. The crops of the child are one in JPEG with you?re setting and

one plain out of RAW. They are both to noisy and in my opinion the RAW is still best. I also

put some cropped examples at 400 iso from some dark and dark grey parts. I am looking

at loads of noise. I don?t recognize the camera they praised on noise levels in several

reviews, containing the ones on dpreview and luminous landscape. Is something wrong

with my sensor? By the way I did the firmware upgrade first of all when the camera came

out the box.


Kind regards, Joost.

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You did good Michael! Now, I hate to break it to you but soon your head will be spinning with visions of the 25mm f/1.4 Summilux ;-) I love that lens and it is supreme on the L1. Register at B&H for notification when the 25 Lux comes back in stock. When it does and when you are ready, don't hesitate for a moment to purchase or it will be out of stock again for another month.
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