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A few days in Norway/Sweden

dave chew

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I'll be in Copenhagen on business in early January. I'll get a few days off,

so I'm wondering what's the best direction to go for landscape photography (I

know, not much light that time of year).


I don't necessarily have to get back to Copenhagen; I could fly back to the

states from another city such as Oslo or Stockholm


Any suggestions on where to concentrate? I'm fairly experienced with cold &

wet conditions, so I'm not limited to short hikes. However, I wasn't planning

on renting a car, just public transportation.


Any recommendations would be welcome.


Dave Chew

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<i>"Any suggestions on where to concentrate?"</i>



i was going to say copenhagen, and nearby. then i took a look at your "portfolio" and got a bit of a second thought... but - IMO -norwegian landscape has been shot to death anyway, so if you don't have a reason to photograph it (other than it just being there), i'd concentrate on something else. but then, i might be totally off...



good luck with the trip!

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I am sure Copenhagen has been shot more to death than the Norwegian landscape has. Anyway, if all photographers went around worrying about whether anyone else had made a similar photo before, then landscape photographers especially would not have got around to taking any pictures at all if they felt they had to be original...
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well, most everything has been done a multiple number of times, so maybe it's best to put the thought aside...



more on topic, you propably know that in january you don't have many daylight hours, though the light is truly fascinating, the little there is of it. i wish i could tip you of specific places, but the only area i'm slightly familiar with is west norway, around bergen. if you're looking for "grand" landscape (steep mountains, fjords and such) that might well be a good bet, but at this time of year, you could just as well expect lots of dark days, comined with rain, unless you were lucky and got there just in time for the few days of snow... south norway might be a better bet, wheather wise, but then i'm not the best guide. can't comment much on (south) sweden either...



again, good luck with the trip and the photos.!! must say i envy you plenty .-)

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I am on a long assignment in Copenhagen since January 2007 and will be there till November 2008. I had raised this question earlier around Nature photography w/o much response. Either way, I would be glad to team-up and explore. I use a D200 and a D70s with the 18-70 and the 70-200VR aside from the 400/2.8 AFI.

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David, don't know about Copenhagen. Norway has beautiful landscapes, especially in winter. Don't know about public transport though. I suggest you try to find out; the route from Oslo to Bergen is very nice; I had a car though. I could try to get you into touch with some locals; they would know.
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