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Fiber based versus RC papers: Tonal quality differences


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I have heard pros and cons on fiber versus RC paper. I want your opinions on the total quality difference (if any) between the two. Has RC paper advanced to the point where image quality is just as good as fiber? Thanks.




J. P. Mose

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Dear Huib,




Actually I haven't! I am just rebuilding a darkroom after several

years of not having one due to lack of space. For the past several

months I have been developing film only! I send out the ones I want

printed and they always come back on RC paper. I'm about a month from

completion so I am getting ready to by the supplies. I am very

excited about having a darkroom again...I had no desire to get a

scanner (at least not at this point). Normally, I would do as you

recommend. The feedback on this website is so full of detail, I love

to hear all of your opinions, especially since a lot of you are





JP Mose

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Over the last 5 years or so, I've tried various fiber and RC papers

made by Kodak, Ilford, Forte, Luminos, Bergger, and AGFA.

Might be the placebo effect here, but I've found that I much prefer

the prints I make on FB paper over those on RC. Prints I've

made on RC never seem to have the same feel and subtleties I

can usually get on fiber. Of course, much more of an issue to

me than RC vs fiber is just the specific paper in question. I've

tried RC papers that were infinitely better than some fiber

papers. The reverse holds true, too. To date my favorite papers

are all fiber, but I know people who print on nothing but RC and

hate fiber. For the record, about the best <i>enlarging</i>

combination I've found so far has been Bergger papers in Ansco

130. Both the graded and VC versions of Bergger paper are

wonderful to work with and tone nicely in selenium. I guess I

don't really have any big point to make here. My suggestion

would be to buy a few 25-sheet packs of some good papers,

both RC and FB, once you get your darkroom up and working,

and just find what you like best. Good luck.

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At the office: behind glass

At home: glassless




Yes, behind glass the difference between RC and Fiber is less





My personal favorite is air dried glossy fiber, even behind glass I

find it better than pearl or luster RC not to speak of glossy RC (do

not like that at all).




As with many things this is also a matter of personal taste.





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The quality for RC papers is probably as good as for the

equivivialent fiber based papers nowadays. (The quality was

questionable in the beginning of the RC era, but that was ages ago.)

Another fact is the quick and easy handling of RC paper, which of

course have made it very popular.




Another question that is relevant here is single grade vs. variable

contrast. While VC really saves some money and shelf space, I still

prefer single grade for my final prints. I simply don't like the

somewhat greenish color casts that I've had with Ilford Fiber





But I for one does still prefer fiber based. First, I love the

surface of air dried fiber based paper, which isn't as "perfectly

shiny" as the RC surface. Second, some of the papers that I use arn't

available in RC. (I prefer to use single grade papers of high

quality.) As fine printing is a long and (and sometimes tedious)

process, I often start with making a print on VC RC paper as

a "scetch". When I've decided about what to do with the picture I set

up the darkroom for fiber paper work and continue from there.




I still havn't seen any single "art print" done on RC, and maybe it's

because of some kind of stubbornness (sp?) with the few that really

knows printing.




I take it you want to start printing yourself. In that case I'd

recommend you to start with RC and stick to that until you've learned

how to make really good prints on a regular basis. The more immediate

response time makes it much more fun to go into the darkroom. (And

getting out of it before the next morning. :-) Spending a long night

to make/tone/wash the prints just to the next night find out that the

print dried down more than you had expected is not exactly my

definition of fun.

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I agree with Bjorn about learning to print with RC before you look for

the holy grail with fibre based paper. The fast turn around of the RC

paper will give you fast feedback on printing skills. The BIG reason

fibre based papers are "better" is the archival question. If you

store the final prints you make in a box it is no big deal, but I

think the jury still says the RC papers will not hold up to UV. I

have some old RC stuff from 20 years ago that still looks OK, but that

was kept in storage boxes. What IS great these days is the quality

and versatility of the variable contrast papers. If you have been

away from printing for awhile then you might enjoy Anchell's book "The

Variable Contrast Printing Manual" and "The Elements of

Black-and-White Printing" by Carson Graves. I am impressed by the

improvement in silver methods manuals considering there are some who

seem to be moving to the digital world. Silver is still the preferred

"art" material (and Platinum/Paladium too.) Good luck!!

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The difference between RC and FB is the beauty of FB vs the shallow

flat two dimensional look of RC. There is a big difference. Learn to

print on FB and skip the waste of time that RC is. If you want deep

lucious prints then FB. If you just want to put an image on plastic,

then RC. Go look at any gallery you want and then decide. James

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I agree with previous posts that fiber provides a certain "depth" to

an image. I always find the glossy RC papers to have to much of

shine or glare when viewed at certain angles which takes away from

any delicate highlights. I do however use RC to make initial prints

of images that I may want to complete as fine prints on fiber. I

will print from a series of negs and then use the RC prints to put on

the wall and "live with" for a few weeks to decide if I should go

further with that neg.

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