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Help! Any idea of a portable light source... for semi novice


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Hi all -


I tried to post this question yesterday and it did not go through! ERR.


I am what I consider a photographer with a really good eye for composition and

that "shoot what I see" style. I am not ashamed to admit that I do not know an

f-stop from a hole in the wall, but I will have time to perfect that "tech" side

once my 3 and 4 year old daughters are older and I have even one second of free

"study" time to myself. I adore photography and what I do makes me so happy and

I am able to be a stay at home mom which is by far more important to me than

anything. What I see on this website amazes me. So much talent. I think I

have a lot to learn (when I get the time).


To view my work so you see how I shoot now to give you an idea of what you might

suggest to me: www.lullabyphoto. com or



Here is my problem I work with a non-profit organization that deals in infant

bereavement photography. I donate my time and services free of charge to this

wonderful group (http://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/) as I live within 1 mile

of 2 major hospitals so I am able to help them more easily than other

photographers. I can get there right when the crisis happens. I am trying to

capture this type of photo (I took with a flash indoors with a black background)

but I want to capture the same thing but in a room that has usually no windows

(a hospital) and is either pretty dark.... or has those ugly hospital lights.


I am wondering if any of you out there can give me suggestions for a nice soft

light source that is portable to take with me to these hospital visits so that I

do not always have to use my flash as I want to be as non-intrusive during these

moments as I can. A flash can be a bit "in your face" to say the least. Yes, if

I knew more about my camera's workings I am sure I could do the entire thing

with a setting or something...but again, the studying will happen a little later

in my life! I have a canon 20D and a Canon 30D and a Canon 580 ex flash if you

want to also suggest a simple like "photo helop for dummies" type of thing to do

with my camera for this as well that would also be appreciated!


Also, I am self taught on my photoshop techniques as well. So be gentle if you

need to critique me!!


Thanks in advance for the lighting advice and help!!



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You want to augment your lighting but you don't want to use any kind of flash, is this correct? Or are you wanting to use off-camera flash... ? If you don't want to use flash, you'll need to increase your ISO's (which can easily be done on the 20 or 30D without much quality loss) and a fast lens (50mm f/1.4 comes to mind)...


In which case, in most hospitals you could probably get decent enough lighting with the existing light without taking anything with you.


If you're talking about using flash off your camera, I'd suggest using your 580EX with pocket wizards and a small 5-section stand with a shoot thru umbrella....<div>00NYhE-40220684.jpg.9b6d4cb18485e052850a940620ffadf0.jpg</div>

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A tripod. A good, solid tripod. Given the unfortunate nature of your subjects, it seems that you can just make the existing light - even very little of it - work for you by just keeping the shutter open longer. Don't forget a cable release. And, as mentioned above, a nice fast lens that, when used fairly wide open, will help with obscuring background clutter and provide a softer setting while still providing clarity where you want it. I cannot <i>imagine</i> a more awkward and delicate situation in which to shoot, I must say.
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get some wireless triggers either pocket wizards if you got tons of money to spare or the ebay gadget infinity wireless triggers for $30.00! Then get yourself 2 Vivitar 285HV's with this B&H kit <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/425220-REG/Impact_DFUMK_Digital_Flash_Umbrella_Mount.html">Impact double 32"umbrella, lightstand and flash to umbrella adaptor</a> now get an additional lightstand with a 5n1 reflector kit and boom! 3 light portable studio setup!!! Just add rechargeable NIMH batteries!!!!!
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I admire you're dedication and fortitude in doing such photography; I certainly could not do it myself. Trying to imagine it though, I would not use a flash, either on or off camera. If the hospital would allow an additional standard continuous light to be brought into the room, I might consider that, but my inclination would be to use a fast lens and raise the ISO as required. I suspect that the emotional context of the images will far outweigh the fact that they don't have the technical quality of studio shots.
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Consider a <a href="http://www.adorama.com/LSTG1SD.html?searchinfo=lastolite%20diffuser&item_no=2">scrim/diffuser</a> that would soften the light and smooth any specular highlights, that can be hand held and is collapsible for easy transport. Also, as mentioned, a tripod for the long exposure you will need when using available light through the diffuser... t
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