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a burning question

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I've been noticing a peculiar thing that I wonder if anyone else has experienced. Evident when printing 16x20 or larger, it seems that areas of my prints that receive burns are experiencing a slight loss of sharpness, particularly on the "edge" of the burn area. I was wondering if light might be refracting somewhat around the cardboard or something like that and hitting this area a bit out of registration. I don't think it has to do with the negative popping or shifting over the course of the exposure, as the problem still happens even when I change the order/sequence of my burns. I have noticed that extremely slow and delicate passes with my burning helps the situation somewhat. If any of you folks know what's going on, I'd be interested in hearing your ideas. Thanks!

Chris Jordan (Boston) www.jordanphoto.com

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The only thing that comes to mind is that your tools have a rough

edge or are thick so the light passing the tool is reflected /

difracted. Mhmm, never noticed it, mostly I cut some wasted printing

paper into the desired shape with a pair of scissors and never had

problems like the one you describe.




The other "not so obvious" explanation could be gravitational force

excerting on the light by the tool, but to see the effect your

dodging tool should be as heavy as a small planet, and that seems not

to be so here :-) :-) :-)





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chris, i'd suggest making a new set of tools out of very thin black

plastic or an old piece of photographic paper. my personal preference

when printing ciba was to cut an old piece of ciba paper into my

d/b tools. the edges of thick cardboard can cause just the kind of

diffusion you're talking about, especially if there's any kind of

fraying. during the portion of the time that the light is passing

through the frayed edges, or passing past the thick edges, the image

projected on the paper will be fuzzed both in terms of sharpness and





the other chris jordan (Seattle)

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Thanks, Chris

That makes good sense. I've been using poster board that is several

plies thicker than paper. My tools are pretty new, which leads me to

think its the thickness in this case causing the problem. The thick

edge sort of forms a "lens" which bends the light around. The devil!




(P.S. I'm still getting a kick about the name thing!)

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Chris, could this be a case of enlarger movement (ever so slight).

Perhaps that is why when you are more gentle that the blurring does

not happen. I am much more careful about how quickly I move my

burning tools around on a bigger print. My enlarger is attached to

the wall, but if I move around too much or too heavily it will

vibrate. I even turn the CD player down for larger prints, because I

can feel the vibration of the bass on the surface where I place the

easil (spelling?).

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thin or thick dodging or burning tools doesn't matter. A lot of people

use their hands to make burns. Enlarger vibrations, longer exposure

times, and out of focus negs. Focus is critical at 16x20. That is when

any out of focus problems show up.

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I don't think my post will be of direct benefit regarding your

particular problem but may be of general interest in the dodging

tool debate:




I have successfully used the black aluminium foil from Rosce

that you make custom snoots and barndoors from. Long forget

the name - the box went west years ago - but the material is

pliant yet stiff enough to hold shape with very fine shapes while

being absolutely matte black.




Just a tip.




Walter Glover




P.S.: Another tip ... don't take sleeping pills and laxatives on the

same night.

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That'd be Rosco Cinefoil or blackwrap.....handy stuff to have around.

Could be flare, maybe vibration too....I've had similar problems in

our lab when making big prints with long exposures...say the freight

elevator closes (way down on the other end of the building) and a

slight tremble comes across the whole level I'm on, or

someone enters the lab & slams the door....drives me nuts....

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Einstein's Theory of Relativity predicts that light will 'bend'

around a strong gravitational source such as a star.




This was proven to be correct quite a while back, when during a solar

eclipse when light from a distant star was shown to be 'bending'

around the sun....the amount of bending was very, very small, but it

was there.




We now return you to your regular programming...





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Man, that old light/gravity thing will get you if you're not

careful. I always store my film holders standing up in "portrait"

orientation. Sometimes light settles to the bottom of the holder and

fogs the film. So, always remember to open the flaps all the way and

shake out the holder prior to loading, and everything's OK (or wash

it out with heavy water). The lower folds of your bellows are real

problem spots, too.




Now, anyone seen the specs on those new gravitational lenses from


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