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Vista - what are the current problems with editing software etc?

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Here I have found that our customers who bring in CD's burned with the canned burner software bundled with VISTA cannot be read with win2000 or our IMac dual core unit (10.X) thats only 1.5 years old. Thus we use an XP box; and try several. Usually 1/2 of the XP boxes will read the bastard discs; one rolls the dice and tries many readers. You are saving time with this "upgrade".:) Having over 2 dozen computers and readers here the problem is a software one created by VISTA. Thus if using vista one might want to try Nero or other non Microsoft bundled burner software; so you dont create bastard discs and tick off folks or clients. We now have several dozen customers who use VISTA; their CD's show up as blank on win98/se, nt4, win2000 and thh Imac always; and one has to futz and try several xp boxes to read them. Thus Vista is abit of jackasery; you can create CD's that many folkks cannot read. If this is an "upgrade"; well why not make the discs only readable in Vista and really create a neew standard?:)
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David, I am upgrading to a new laptop today with Vista Ultimate. I really don't want to deal with a new OS but it's preloaded. All my other computers are XP.


Vista doesn't offer enough improvement for me to upgrade all my computers and frankly, I don't want to deal with OS compatibility issues. Virtually all major vendors are well aware of Vista so I don't see a problem. It's more of a nuisance that will probably take a lot of time. I expect to spend the day updating drivers for hardware/software.


I also have PS so sometime today, I will be visiting Adobe. Sorry, I use Nikon, not Canon, but I suspect both of us will be visiting the camera maker sites for software updates.

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Hardly anyone who knows anything willingly "upgrades" to Vista -- indeed, that phrase is an oxymoron for our times, like "compassionate conservatism", etc.


But if you do "upgrade", plan on doubling your memory unless you already have 2GB, but even that might not be enough for heavy graphics editing.

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Steven; all of the Vista CD's we have gotten from customers that are abit problematical in reading were burned with whatever burner software these folks got with their box-store bought Vista boxes. The masses are going to Vista when then buy a complete box. My rant was that if you do use Vista; maybe try another burner software so ones CD's are more generic; readable on more boxes; even win2000 and win98se etc. Witht he Imac. win2000, win98se boxes theses Vista CD's show up like there is no cd in the player. Then with a XP box one might have the mouse acting abit goofy when one place the cd in the drive. In a few cases reading the CD's was ok; but the reader is backing down to say a 1x mode; where transfering files are at a snails pace. In other cases the cd doesnt show up on machine 3; but does on machine 6
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Good luck. I am about to uninstall the OEM vista and replace with XP pro on reformatted HDD. Vista has been a huge headache for me. It hangs, randomly looses connectivity, can't see my USB printer but happily runs the USB scanner etc etc. Nightmare. Will reinstall once SP2 has been generally approved by business. A good techie friend advised never buy the "home" edition of any software - it never gets the same level of testing. May be something in that. If it does come pre-installed, make sure you get a proper Vista OEM installation disk, and not just some crappy image as your vendor thought appropriate. I'm sure my pre-install is much to blame for the situation I'm in, plenty of crapware loaded in.
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David, this is a FWIW.....


Yesterday I received my new laptop with Vista Ultimate preloaded. Here's my quick take on it.....


I had read before that you need at least 2Gb RAM to run Vista. I would agree, definitely if you are using a memory-heavy program like CS. 4Gb may be overkill today but I could see the need in the future.


Much of yesterday was spent dumping the garbage that came preloaded.

While V-U has a few nice features, I noticed very quickly that My Computer is missing, replaced by a more obsure way to find files. No more desktop icon that I use all the time. Transferring files is a bit more of a headache.


Also, there is this thing called Account Control that stops me from doing anything without 'permission' from the account administrator. There just has to be a way to turn off this thing. Looks like I am heading to the library to read Vista For Dummies.


Better news, Adobe loaded without problem. It opens, it reads, it works, just like with XP. However, I haven't tested all the plug-ins. For more info, you can check out what Adobe says....




If I had a choice, I would have preferred XP Pro. Just not enough in Ultimate to excite me but I'm sure it has good features I just haven't run into yet. Then again, I remember I wasn't real happy about moving up to XP either. Maybe I'm a closet Luddite.

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I have been using Vista Ultimate as my photo editing machine for three months now. Have had _zero_ issues with CS2, my printers, or otherwise. In fact, it's only crashed twice in that time, while XP pro would usually crash twice a week on me.


All of the things that people talk about being annoying (i.e. UAC) can be configured to be turned off easily. Run->msconfig -- configure to your heart's desire.



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My mentioning of the disc writting problem with vista is because some photographers burn cds when they sell their images, bring them to print shops, send them to relatives, or archive images. Maybe if one uses DVD's, zip discs, floppies, or fobs the problem wont happen; or if one can insure ones receivers have a minimum of XP; and several XP machines to fart around with in the reading process; so by chance the images are readable. The box that tends to read these bastard Vista Cd's alll the time is a ten year old box we have that has XP pro on it; thats on an older controller so somehow it cuts thru the Vista Bs. Mentioning about the bastard Vista cds's will be relavent when you post a thread that your disc cannoit be read by a client; and he uses another photographer who creates a more generic disc thats readable on a 1.5 year old Imac, or all Xp boxes, not just some. Maybe Mac OS X version 10.5 ?Leopard? will read these ill discs; and every editor can upgrade "just for fun" to deal with ill vista cd's?:)
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With several small Epson printers here the print drivers are not fully supported by Vista; so the ink levels and warnings dont show up. Thus one can weight the cartridges to monitor ink level; and kick back dream about Vistas replacement's added features that improves ones life.<BR><BR>It is amazing that a cd burned with vista cannot be read by our 2k buck imac thats less than 2 years old, but a 14 year old dinosaur PC can; and Xp pro boxes sometimes.
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"Maybe I'm a closet Luddite."


Not me -- I just have a firm conviction it takes M$ two or three years to whip an OS into runnable form. They start selling it long before its ready for prime-time, and SFAIK the only beneficiary of that policy is the seller :-)

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