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lighting ?


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I think so much is a matter of taste. I like the shot, though the color balance seems a bit blue on my monitor. In my experience, you are safest using low ratio (flatter) lighting with kids, especially on black backgrounds that reflect little light into shadows. If you go for deeper shadows for greater impact, you can run into your experience. Parent's often do complain about shadows. I know; I shot close to one thousand kids last year.

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I don't think the shadows are the problem, but that the client didn't have an eye and vocab to express what they didn't like. The expression and subject is very uplifting and light, but the black background (and the one floating hand) are somber. You have clashed your lighting/setting w/ the feel of the subject.


I'd also go w/ a softer light. Move the box closer, and turn it so that you don't have that odd catch light in his eyes.

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Nathan is giving a good lesson here Randy. In the end..the image you shot is the issue. eg; Balance...a little red goes a long way in a black field. Try making a black page on your computer monitor....add some words..or simply a square...of red. Enlarge and reduce the red space until you feel the page looks it's best. It's small isn't it?


When it comes to making images for other people...the photography is far less important than the image you are capturing. Your customer has been seeing images since they first opened their eyes at birth..they want something their brain makes sense of. We could be clever little vegemites and create something so different...that we distract them from "normal" with the excitement of it all...but for most of us...photographer first...artist second...we need create normal. Normal...is not for most people, a baby on a black cloth in a christmas suit.


Your photography is fine in this image. Your client simply does not like the image. Make them one they do like...ask them to come back and let you do it again...no charge...and learn from the experience. You will get more experience...and could well impress your customer as a person who cares about the product he sells. And you can be sure...that if you make an image they like...they will show it to others..and you get more clients!

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