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Nikon D300 Test images


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Some of the shots that you post have a big dynamic range and it looks like the camera is handling the exposure pretty well. Also, several of these shots would have undoubtedly produced the dreaded banding effect on my version of the D200. I don't see any hint of that.

On your 2nd page the high ISO exposures are very good. Noise levels are much improved over what I would expect from the D200 especially in the shadow areas. Since I also shoot with a 5D I am really interested to see how the D300 holds up in comparison. Honestly I think that in terms of noise the D300 and 5D would be very close. Thanks for sharing.

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Dave, the main thing that I am interested is in how the D300 compares at ISO 200 to the D200 at ISO 100 - both at native ISOs.


I believe you have the D80 but as I understand it the sensors for both the D200 and the D80 are more or less the same.


Also, I'm starting to believe that the 18-70DX uses a bit of trickery to make things look sharper, so perhaps tests on say the 50mm f1.8 would be great.

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Andy, I agree the 50mm 1.8 would be a better lens to test with, but the only 50mm AI lens I

own is the Series E, which though a very good lens, probably not as good as the more recent

AF-D version. And the 18-70mm is a pretty sharp zoom lens as can be seen in the photos!

I'll do some shooting this weekend with the 50mm 1.8 unless someone beats me to it.





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You are right, this is the Coleman Ferry Terminal in downtown Seattle. It's a 5 minute walk from my work. I like to go there when it's sunny outside, the waterfront is always a refreshing place to be. This weekend I will be shooting interior photos in a dim room, requested by Shun, and will post sometime on Sunday evening. I'll be interested to see how they hold up to the same photos taken recently with my D80.

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