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Source for Inexpensive 5cm Summicron Lenshood


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'what is the actual name of the "heavystar" lens hood?'


Don't know that it has an actual name. I thought everyone called them "heavystar" hoods, 'cause I learned about them here under that name.


The (original?) seller of these has "heavystar" as part of his ID over at that auction site, so that's where the name originates. Just do a search for "Leica lens hood" over there, and you'll turn up lots of examples.

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The Heavystar hoods (shipped from the USA) are excellent. The anonymous Ebay ones (shipped direct from China) I have are total junk - they screw directly in to the lens ok, but bind alarmingly when used on a Leitz filter. Heavystar ones are available straight and conical/tapered versions and stepping rings are available if needed .... AC
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The "build quality" of the Heavystar lens hoods is superb and one version is available to fit the screw-in filter recess of the Summicron 50's, and the price can't be equaled anywhere that I know of. I would prefer a clip-on or push-on, but this one is excellent for most purposes. I use mine with a SOOGZ for my older A36 lenses and it has helped tame the flare in many instances. I would recommend E39 filters directly on the lens and the hood screwed into the filter. You will have no issue with 59mm lenses and it will also usually work with the 35's if you do NOT attempt to stack filters!
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If you can stand the bulk of the barn-door Summicron hood when open, it's very easy to carry when folded. It slips past a filter to clip on to the lens, so it's the same if a filter's in place or not. It's not expensive and is the right one for the LTM viewfinder, visible as just a thin line across the field of view. Very effective so worth having anyway, for when you want more shading.
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For what it's worth, I ordered and paid for one of the vented lens shades from an overseas source, it was never delivered, and I was never able to get the issue resolved. On that basis, I would suggest purchasing one from a dealer in the US.
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