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disapprove ~ how to get rid of the word

david shelby

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In my gallery I have many comments posted from P.N. members which I approve of.

BUT! beside each one posted there is a "disapprove" I don't know how they got

there which would have been my decision. My question is how do I get that

comment off! my url is http://www.photo.net/photos/David%20Cando ~ hope someone

can help me get rid of the "disapprove" it is driving me up the wall.

Regards, David

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<p>David, I didn't want to sound like I snapping at you. Sorry. But, I use the 'Unified View' of the forums a lot and multiple postings stand out so very much when you do that. </P>


<p>But, yeah, don't worry about this. Only you are seeing that thing. For example, the "(disapprove)" written in blue is beside all the comments on my page too when I view it. But, when you go <a HREF="http://www.photo.net/photos/IanCoxLeigh">THERE</a> you won't see any of them. Try it on your own page. Log out and then go view your portfolio and comments as if you were a visitor.</P>

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