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Wonder if anybody could give some cc?


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Thought I would post here in the beginner section so you knew I am not

proclaiming to be an expert. What do you think? Being that I am very new at

photoshop I haven't made any changes to the photographs. There is a bit of

blanket in the photo that I don't like and if I could change one thing I would

make sure all of his fingers are straight. It kind of looks like two of them

are cut off...but other than that!


What is your opinion on the lighting and composition?


Thanks for looking.


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Thank you both for your responses. It means a lot.


Anthony...a question regarding your comment.

The photograph was taken using sunlight. Would I reflect the light back with some sort of white board? If so how far away from the subject should it be? Approximately? I mean...about the same distance the light source is from the subject...or is it all just a matter of playing with it? I wasn't sure if there was some "rule" to start with.


I really admire your work...you have some amazing photographs. I love looking at peoples faces and you have some real characters.


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Hello again Jennifer. A white board or nylon will work fine. You could also use silver if you wanted. Yes...it really is a matter of playing until it suits you....you can get into wide range of opinion once you start discussing ratios...trust your eye...and trust a print before you trust your monitor. I find the main issue is getting the same colour of light reflecting back ...it helps keep skin colour consistent, especially in the shadow areas. The light through a window is one colour...once it bounces off another surface...eg a painted wall...it can change and throw your white balance out of whack. I hope you don't mind my words..the language of photography gets a little complicated for me sometimes.
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When I first started doing window light infant shots I used a science fair board as a reflector.

They are really cheap and stand up on their own. You can also use them to drape backdrops

over. I also used to tack a plain white bead sheet over the window. It turns it into a giant

softbox. I agree about the blanket. An infant against a black background needs something

to ground it. Otherwise the baby is floating in space which is scary and not tranquil as

sleeping babies should be.

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