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Press camera for architectural photography


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I am considering moving up to large format and am curious to find out if a press camera has enough movements for street level architectural photography? The reason for chosing a press camera are 1)they are inexpensive and 2)they are light in weight.
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If your doing architectural work, your going to need back movements to

correct for perspective. A press camera usually does not have these. A

feild camera like a Linhof III is a good bet or you can build one for

about $280USD (if your handy with some tools) by going to


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Love my Crown Graphic, but I don't have the movements with it. You

might want a real view that has some movements to it. And if you do get

a press camera with the amost standard 127 Ektar (great lens) but you

can't move anything with it. So, circle is everything -- but you

probably knew that.





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you can do lots of good work with a decent press-type camera. i have

a 1948 crown graphic that i use with a rodenstock 135mm 5.6 when i

need to be in a position where i cannot use a tripod. yes, the

movements are limited, but they are functional. it is not often in

my HABS/HAER work that i use much movement anyway - very slight

shifts take care of probably 80% of the views. it is only in tight

downtown conditions trying to shoot very tall buildings that extreme

movements are usually required. OTOH, i would never try to use a

field/press camera for normal architectural work - they are far too

awkward, limited and slow compared to a monorail. press cameras can

be fun to use, and are flexible enough for a wide variety of

applications, and if that is all you have access to, by all means use

it. but if you are buying a camera to do serious work with, get a


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For this type of photography it is very important that you be able to

control the shape of the structure. That means that you can

eliminate converging lines or create converging lines, depending

on the job. To do this you need indirect and direct back

movements. As front tilts and swings do not control image





Press cameras do not have back movements.




Technical cameras like a Technika do have back movements

(15° on the MAster) plus front tilts.




Older Technika III cameras as one suggested has no foward

lens tilt which makes it impossible for the photographer to

control plane of focus so a critical worker would look for a IV or





Some field cameras like a TechnaKardan and some Wista have

front and back movements and can be ideal for this type of work.

Others have no or limited back movements and should be





What is best for this type of work?




A lightweight, compact camera with lots of rise/fall/ shift and full

tilts and swings front and back.

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Well' I'm using a press (the Mamaya 6/9) for architecture... but just for shootings out of helicopters. It's usefull in that case, (easy handle, and the film size is much bigger than SLR, even if its not large format) but I could'nt imagine, doing the other architecture stuff with it.




When looking for a "faster" archi-cam, a Sinar Handy, or a Cambo wide do the job well, but off course, you will not have all feateres as on the monorail.

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  • 6 years later...

You could easily pick up a Calumet monorail for under $200. Plenty of movement--less the wider the lens because regular bellows will not compress that much. But if you shoot from street level and need to correct perspective of tall building---that's going to cost you a lot--both for the wide angle bellows and the lens. IF you live in a city, you might try renting a kit to see what you really need.

good luck.

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