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40D Lag

big kahuna1

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My 40D seems hesitant to shoot sometimes. After you hear the focus

confirmation, it can take a second or 2 before the shutter actually trips. This

happens in all "Creative" Modes, and I haven't shot in "AUTO" enough to say if

it's an issue there. I was thinking it may be due to the ISO shift, but

haven't' had time to shut that off. This is the case when using the factory

shutter button, or the one on the battery grip, and it does not matter what lens

I use.

Thanks to all.

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The camera has to do a lot of "thinking" in auto and scene modes. So I'd imagine that would be worse than manual or A or T modes. From the picture you've posted, I'd suspect you are doing low light work. It's probably just the AF hunting for focus.


You said it does this with all your lenses. Are any of them "L" lenses. No, I'm not an "L" snob, but it's true where other lenses tend to hunt for AF, the L's seem to just snap dead on.


For shot's like this one, you probably want to use manual everything including focus if this persists. For regualr shooting in low light, a Flash or STE-2 with focus assist beam would help some.

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2 seconds? Never noticed a shutter lag between the focus confirmation and the actual activation of the shutter. Not with film bodies (500n, 5, 30), nor with 10D or 5D. Looks way too long IMO. Does it occur in M as well? with autofocus switched off? Try to isolate the cause or check with Canon. It does not seem normal to me.
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It does happen in Manual mode too. The posted picture was taken with a "Cable Release" and as you pointed out, Manual EVERYTHING where there is NO issue. As a matter of fact, there is no issue when using Manual focus, and no, sadly, I don't have any L lenses.

I think it must be a focus issue. I will confirm this evening, in studio and post back.

Thank you all very much.

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Hmm, I'd say once AF is achieved the lag is mere milliseconds! Blazing fast. Of course if you

have a slow focusing lens--front element extension--the wait for AF can be painful,

especially in low light. Large aperture ring-type USM with internal or rear element focus are

the fastest, L or not. For example my EF 85 1.8 USM is blazing fast--internal AF with USM--

but my EF 50 1.4 USM--front element exhension with micro-USM--is much slower.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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I've got the 40D and I've had zero issues. This is probably a silly question... but I'll ask it

anyway... do you have the time lag set via the menu options? The minimum time lag that you

can set is exactly two seconds.

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Self timer not set. What A Pain. I've been messing around for 20 minutes now. First 3 exposures...Not very fast. Everything since has been fine. No change in light, no change in settings. I have changed almost every setting available, and can't get it to slow down now. Just going to have to learn to be patient.


Thanks again for the help.

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Have you got mirror lock up engaged? or Live mode?


Doesn't really sound like it to me as these are easy to notice. If I set One shot focus, and press the shutter there is negligably delay for the shutter to trip after the focus locks.

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