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favorite small normal 35mm pocketable cameras?

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A 50mm lens and a pocketable camera might be hard to find since all camera manufacturers turned to 40mm or even a bit less in the early 70s or so.


The early Retinas (Retina I) come to my mind, they come with a 45mm lens but of course have no lightmeter (the later Retinas have one but they are much heavier and somewhat bulky even with the lens retracted).

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If you have ro have a 50mm then I agree with Winfried the early Retina series stand out. The later ones got a bit heavy for the pocket.


Otherwise I would go for the Olympus Trip 35 (original) or one of its older brothers like the Olympus 35 RC. These had 40mm lenses but the quality is so good you could crop to 50mm quite easily.

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If it has to be 50mm, then I would have to choose the Retina IIIc as my choice for pocketable camera, as long as the meter continues to work, or the impressive Vito II, which is very pocketable. Less than 50mm, I'd choose the 35RC or 35DC which brings a fast f/1.7 to the table and is the definition of simplicity. The XA is also a great choice for a pocketable camera that can deliver superb results as well.
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Personally, I prefer a shorter lens (if I'm only going to have the one size). The Olympus XA (35mm lens) was my choice for "35mm pocketable." My Retina IIa (50mm lens) is small enough for a jacket pocket, but too heavy.<P>Honestly, although I carried a Minox in my pocket for 40 years (no smart-ass comments, please), for the last three years I've been carrying a little digital camera with zoom in my breast pocket -- first a Minolta Xt (wonderful), and now a SONY T-100 (big mistake).<P>I think you should consider a CANON SD1000.
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There are lots of candidates except for the 50mm restriction. I'm thinking maybe a Leica IIIf BD or IIIc with either an elmar 50 or a Summitar 50 (both collapsable) and a Voigtlander clip on meter.


Another candidate might be the Leica CL with a 50mm lens, except that the meter prohibits (I think) the collapsable lenses.


The Kodak Retina IIa is a nice small package but you will need the clip on meter.


Maybe the Canon 7 (with a working meter) and a collapsable 50mm lens. Only this camera is a bit bulky.

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Hi Mark,


If you can put up with a 45mm lens, rather than a 50mm, I would happily recommend the

Zeiss Ikon Contessa. It's a neat, little, folding, coupled rangefinder with a very nice coated

Tessar lens. The focussing is easy and accurate and, so far (only had it a few weeks), I'm

happy with the results.

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I use the following and like the results: Retina IIIc, Vito II and III, Super Ikonta IV, Leica IIIf with collapsible elmar, used to use vitessa with ultron, the folding vitessa, but the advance pushrod is troublesome, by far the most pocketable is the vito II, and a great lens, no rf though.
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I've carried around one or the other XA2 for many years. I know the lens is 35 mm, and it's newer, but it's pretty hard to beat as a pocket camera. The Rollei 35 is fun, but not really all that handy to use in a hurry. The Olympus 35RC comes closer to the ideal, and a little closer to the desired focal length, but it's not quite as pocketable as the XA family. The tradoff with the short focal length is the ability to take quick, unaimed shots, even surreptitiously. The XA2 is the ideal "hip shot" camera, and at family events, weddings, etc., I always carry one, even if I'm using something else as well.


Back when they were cheap and abundant, I used my Leica IIIb and collapsible Summar lens as a pocket camera, caseless, or slipped into an old sock! It seems a little over the top these days, though. Nowadays I'd have to get a fancier sock.

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I have a preference for solid metal-bodied cameras although I do agree the XA is a nice little camera. I gave my XA and XA4 to my daughter and her boyfriend respectively as presents.


I like pocketable cameras and use my Rollei 35 and 35S ubiquitously. I also use a Retina II (lovely Xenon lens) and a couple of Tessar-lensed folding Zeiss Continas (I and II) fairly frequently which also give nice results.


For a 50mm lens small camera (but I need my coat with the bigger pockets for them because they're like little bricks) I've had excellent results with Voigtlander Vito Bs and their good Skopar lenses. Unfortunately their big brother (or sister) the Vitomatic IIa is just a little large to get into a pocket.

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<b>Matthew Currie</b> - <i>Back when they were cheap and abundant, I used my Leica IIIb and collapsible Summar lens as a pocket camera, caseless, or slipped into an old sock! It seems a little over the top these days, though. Nowadays I'd have to get a fancier sock.</i>


If only this board supported signatures :)

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