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Hi guy's,just came back from photographic show in Ottawa (ontario Canada)was

great,everybody was there,Nikon,Canon,Pentax,Sigma,Tamron,Sony and many more.You

can see and try all the newbie's from all the company,so I had in my hand the

D300,D3,Mark 3,of course the Pentax stand,all the new lens (want all of them

lolll)new Pentax product for 2008 comming,for shure 2 new bodies, new

lens,70-200 2.8,300 4.0 and more,that's what the rep said but I have no idea

wich one,was surprise for the Canon stand,not lot of people,Pentax and Nikon was

full,Sigma to.I had in my hand the new 40D Canon,good camera I guess but what a

cheap body (unbeleivable)was surprise.Anyway had a great afternoon over there

and don't worry guy's like I said,Pentax stand was full of people trying the

K10d,K100D super,all the lens,all positive comments about the Pentax gears.Talk

with the salemans I know from Henry's photo and all the K10D,D200 sold out for

the week-end no more in the store so Paul Dore, Pentax rep was very happy about

the sales.So that's it guy's,see you soon.

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i usually yell at Lindy about this this, but politely, the road map is just an idea where pentax intends to go, not a contract to it's customers or prospective customers. I'm fairly certain I remember seeing that it said it was subject to change.


Nikon and Canon have them as well, they are just smart enough not to publish them because when things change or dates come and go the customer base grumbles as much as the kmount base does.


I'm highly doubtful a full frame SLR is coming in 2008. Why? well you see all the grumbling about lack of 1.25-1.5x lenses, and Pentax just retooled to cut the cord on 35mm lenses (a good thing). Going full frame would mean 2 production lines for lenses, and the need to introduce lens based IS to compete. A lot of expense for a small company (mark this spot as to where lindy hits submit to reply and tells me Hoya is not small).


If Pentax has two formats it will be the 645D and 1.25-1.5X, it will in the near future not have a full frame DSLR. Actually, it might not even have a full frame 645D, it's would be reasonable to guess that if they made the sensor a bit smaller than full frame that they could produce the first MF camera body with SR.


But if it makes everyone warm and fuzzy to believe a 24x36 SLR is just around the corner, don't let me be your Debbie Downer on this subject. Go to church every sunday (or whatever day your faith prefers), keep throwing pennies (and dollars) in the wishing well, do a good deed, help a stranger, create karma for yourself, serve thanksgiving dinner at a soup kitchen, build a house for someone, and maybe the gods at Pentax might, just might, hear your prayers and give you that magical thing we all know as 24x36mm (aka. full frame).

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I don't think Pentax will come out with a full-frame body any time soon, given how they've discontinued their full-frame lenses and all. However, I do believe the future of digital photography lies in full-frame, so I wonder what Pentax will do when none of the other manufacturers are producing 1.5-1.6 crop bodies...


Or maybe I'm wrong, and 1.5-1.6 crop format is the 35mm of digital, and is here to stay.


So long as that 70-200mm f/2.8 doesn't cost an arm and a leg, I don't care what they do. But it will, won't it...


However, what I really want to know is this: Once Pentax has brought out their full line of long DA glass, will I be able to buy long FA glass at reasonable prices on eBay?

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You do realize, Olympus will always be producing 2x bodies!!!


What will they do??


But what Pentax will do is produce a 1.25 or 1.3x body that will still allow in camera SR but give people a compromise. Your legacy wide angles would be as wide, but you'll get a bit of DOF back. You'll also have a slightly bigger sensor to work with to reduce noise.


I'm sure when 35mm was making a name for itself all those MF and LF guys were going, well, if Nikon isn't going to produce a MF camera system where will it be in 20 years!!!


I bet they forgot they said that now.

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"You do realize, Olympus will always be producing 2x bodies!!!"


I doubt it will be always. In fact I expect Olympus to go broke befotre too much longer. Multiple formats is actually an advantage,which is why I expect 1.6 will always be around. There are plenty of Canonites who have both a 5D, and a 1.6 crop as a second body. I can see both FF and 1.6 in my future.


Unfortunately for Pentax it requires having two lens lines, which is probably beyond it.

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