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Lens cleaning


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hi all. i think this has been asked before, but could not find the

thread in the archives. how do you go about cleaning your lenses and

filters? what lens cleaning solution is the safest for multicoated

lenses and filters? i heard ROR is BAD. thanks for the help.





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The best way to handle your lenses is not to get them dirty in the

first place.

However, if you have to clean an optical surface here is a safe way to





Get an envelope of Kodak (or similar) lens tissue.

Take out 4 sheets of tissue.

Tear them in half.

Take half of the tissue and fold it together such that the torn ends

are in one end.

Apply a drop of lens cleaner to this end.

Gently clean the lens in a small circular motion. (After blowing off

dust from the lens!!!)

Immediately, before the lens dries take the other half of the torn dry

lens tissue.

Dry the lens gently using a circular motion.




The lens should be spotless now.

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I do similar to what Per says, except that I lightly *drag* the tissue

across the lens in one direction without applying any pressure, and I

do this once only. Then I use a fresh wad and repeat until the entire

surface is cleaned. This helps ensure that any grit you pick up doesnt

cause scratching.

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I used to use the method that Per uses. Now I just use Formula MC and

a microfiber cloth. Works at least as well, and I don't run around

tearing up tissues anymore. As far as ROR being bad, I never had any

problems with it, MC is just better. Whatever you do stay away from

Kodak lens cleaner - it smears like crazy on multicoated filters.

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I'm going to cast a vote for the LensPen. Just about everything else

I've tried (microfiber cloths, lens tissue, etc) has been

unsatisfactory due to smears and *gulp* scratches and the

dreaded "cleaning marks".




Use the built-in brush to remove loose particles, and then genltly

swirl the pad end around on the lens to remove fingerprints, etc.

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Have steered clear of the tissues and the cleaning liquids because of

the human error factor and how costly lenses are. I got a suggestion

for a cleaning polymer that does not require rubbing and after simple

liquid application it dries and gently pulls off and takes all of the

smudges and debris with it. It is called Opti-Clean. While it is not

cheap, it works like a champ. They have a web site I believe at

opticlean.com Good Luck

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Doesn't anyone here ever take their lenses outside? Most of the

methods suggested don't seem to be meant for very dirty lenses...? I

get sea-spray on mine, blown dust and sand, rainsplaters (with the

odd bit of mud) and all sorts.




It can take more than a bit ofwater fkuffed up lens tissue to do the





tim a

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I just tried Rexton "Optyl-7" liquid cleaner on my multicoated

lenses, putting the liquid spray on lens tissues first (Kodak and

Hoya)then wiping the lenses (after blowing off as much dust as

possible). There was no residue left and it seemed to clean easier

than other fluids I've tried. I'm sticking with it. I think I got it

at B&H or Adorama.

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I have hauled my large format camera to a great many parts of the


Regardless of the environment, rain, sleet, snow, smoke etc. I do not

let them get dirty. They are my life blod! I need them to perform at

their max at all times!




On the rare occasion when the lens needs cleaning I do use the above

method. Although I did drop a Schneider 210 Symmar-S in a river in the

Philippines once. A swimmer brought it up for me. I removed the

shutter, blew it dry, baked it in a regular oven at 250 degrees for

about ten minutes...The lens elements were unharmed (fresh water in the

river...) Used the lens for several years after this event...

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