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Vivitar wide and Slim with Slide Film

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Well I was told about things that you can't do with simple P&S cameras. to those

people who told me these things I say RUBBISH!.


I loaded my simple P&S Vivitar wide&slim with some Elitechrome 200 and toted it

around with me for 2 months while I used other cameras for shooting I would pull

it out and fire off some frames.


I think that being told I can't do something makes me do it and become a better

person. A non coated 22mm plastic lens in a plastic box no meter 1 shutter speed

and about F11 or whatever fixed focus.


I think that it worked as these were only sharpened on resizing and I even shot

some into the sun.





Do what you want for yourself and remember not everything you are told is true.



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Quote: "I think that being told I can't do something makes me do it and become a better person"



I agree. If someone says "you can't do that" ask them why and what would happen if you did do it.


If everyone only did things which were known to be o.k. nothing new would ever be done.


I think I need to get one of those Vivitar Wide & Slim cameras!



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I found mine at a Goodwill store for $1.99 but I see them being sold on ebay for a lot more. What ever you end up paying for it I think it is worth it because it is a tool that many don't have. I think I will try my Nikon N90s and a 21mm lens today on some of the same subjects but I know it will not be as fun beczuse at about 2 pounds vs 6 oz and I know there will be no finger shots like I some times get with the Vivitar. :)<div>00NCVl-39569484.thumb.jpg.f32ca3fc4c74dbdfc851a7972f134a32.jpg</div>
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