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transparency adaptor/lightsource for 5x7 on flatbed scanner?


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I have recently switched from 4x5 to 5x7, and have run into a bit of an

impasse. I like to scan all of my negatives/chromes for cataloging and

rudimentary printing, however the transparency adaptor on my flatbed

scanner is not large enough to scan the full 5x7.




I am reluctant to purchase a new scanner, especially since the commercially

available ones have transparency adaptors no larger than 4x5 inches, and

would have to spend significantly more on a 5x7. I thought that if I could find

the correct sort of light source I could simply place it on top of the scanner,

sandwiching the 5x7 between the light source and the scanner�s glass. I

notice that Calumet offers something of the sort for 4x5s for about $70.




Does anybody know what the correct type of light source is? I have tried

normal fluorescents (flipping my light box over on top of the scanner), and

have had poor results--the scanner picks up the �flashing� or 'banding' which

is invisible to our eyes. Using regular incandescent bulbs, even with diffusion,

results in a nasty hot spot and weird color balance problems. Any other


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Not an answer, but an alternative--Do you have a digital camera? For

basic scans, mostly for web use, I've been digitizing medium and

large-format B&W negs and color transparencies using a Nikon Coolpix

990 and a 5000K lightbox on a copy stand. The results aren't too bad,

and I get up to a 13MB TIFF that way. That's half what I get from my

35mm film scanner, but I have somewhat more real control over exposure

with the camera than I do with the scanner.

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You've gotten a couple of good answers so far.




The reason that you see the banding is because of the frequency of your light

source. It flickers at a rate that you don't see but the scanner does. Its sorta

like photographing a TV at a shutter speed that picks up the scan lines going

across the screen. You might solve this by replacing the power supply in the

light box with a high frequency one. I say 'might' because I have no idea of the

construction of your lightbox. Or you could buy a light that would work. I think

Aristo makes light sources that give daylight rendering and have high

frequency power supllies.




I suggest you consider buying a new scanner with a full 8X10 transparency

lid. The Epson 1650 comes to mind as a good choice. With lid its under $500 I

believe. This will give you lots of resolution and a surprisingly good scan and

the possibility of an excellent small print. OTOH, for similar money, a digital

camera will work great for identification and cataloging and you might find it

useful for other things as well.

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You might try looking for a used HP IIIC scanner or another one of

the H series. But, before you buy one, get a hold of a used

transparency adapter for it. It illuminates a 8.5 x 11 area. I used

to have one but sold it on Ebay over 18 months ago when I got my Agfa

T2500 Duoscan.




If you are looking for a new scanner you might check out the new

Epson line. I understand that they have a flatbed w/transparency

adapter that runs about 1200.00 and is supposed to do about 3.5

dmax. I got a brochure for it some months back and the images on it

were beautiful and all scanned from chromes on their new scanner.




If you can find a used T2500 Duoscan and can afford it, get it. I

can scan four 4x5's at once to make proof sheets and the scans look

great... very close to what I see from the same chromes drum scanned.

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Jason, This is way out there but it'll cost you what it's worth. A

friend of mine who has to build everything himself made a light box

out of that white soft rubbery plastic butcher block cutting board

stuff. I have to admit the light comes through that thing in an

unusual glowy sort of way. I wonder if it would absorb the light box

flicker? They seem to be about 5/16ths inch thick. Made to lay on

your drainboard for cutting meat on. Good luck. Jim

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Mustek used to make a light lid called a 'Transparency Adapter IV'. It

has an illuminated area of about 6" x 8", and is perfectly even in

illumination. The light source consists of two high-frequency xenon

tubes, which give a nice warm-daylight balanced light. It comes

complete with its own mains adapter.<p>I'm not sure that Mustek make

it any longer, but they may make something similar. In any case, I'm

sure that there's still some stock of these adapters out there,

somewhere. It's still listed on Mustek's German, Italian and Russian

websites.<br>Failing that, have you looked at these little battery

operated light-boxes you can get nowadays? I believe that they use

high frequency xenon tubes too.

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I have an Acer Scan Prisa 1240UT that will scan up to 5x7 trans. It

was only around $150.00 new and since it is over a year old, you

might be able to find a used one cheap. It has a plastic cover in

the lid you pop off and then use whatever mask, which is included,

that you need. I ordered mine directly from Acer. You might want to

check out their, as well as other manufacturer's web sites, to see

just what is available.

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Indeed for dirt cheap 5x7 scanning, the Acer cannot be beat.

With photoshop and some time on your hands, you can even get

decent results. I picked up a 620UT (only 600dpi)

for $30 at office max and made a

13x19 that most

people cannot distinguish from the 13x19 printed using the Tango scan.

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Thank you all for the help. After considering all the options, I bought a cheap

Acer 1240UT Scanner, hopefully this will resolve the issue. Before doing this I

borrowed a friends 'thin' transparency viewer, a Cabin, which I tried with my

scanner, flipping it on top of the chrome. It appeared to work, although it was

too bright. Anyway, it cost more than the scanner. I also checked out the

Epson scanners, these don't appear to have large enough transparency

adaptors, only 4x5 or smaller. Of course, I would love a Agfa T2500... however

I am a college teacher, not a graphics professional, and the cost of the Agfa

far more than I can rationalize. Using a digital camera is an interesting idea,

however my camera, a two year old Canon, is really terrible with macro shots

(I should have bought the Nikon!) I have used it occasionally for archival

research, where they won�t allow photocopying, it is not the best solution, but

it is usally legible, however this isn�t good enough for pictures, and I can�t

really see myself buying a new one.




Thanks again.

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  • 1 year later...

I too drool for an HP 8.5" x 11" TA, but they're both scarce and pricey.


I took apart the puny 35mm TA with my scanner and recognized the same little hf inverter that's inside many cold cathode fluorescent lamp fixtures, including the scanner itself.


Someday I'm probably going to pick up a handful of (identical) surplus inverters and lamps from somewhere like All Electronics (still looking for cheaper source)...roughly $3.50 for inverter and $5 for lamp. They run on 5-12 VDC depending on model.


What's needed then is a diffuser (opaque white acrylic) and a way to measure uniformity of light...no idea how much work it will be to adjust this...I planned on adjustable rear reflectors and adjustable side-to-side spacing of the lamps to make adjustments...measurement device need not be precision for relative comparisons.


I would be doing b/w myself, so not sure about color temp of scanner adaptor lamps.


I think this is do-able but needs a certain amount of electronics knowledge (which I have).


If you do play around with this stuff, watch out for the lamp terminals...they get hot desipte the 'cold cathode' name, the inverter output can hit 700-1000 V to light the lamp (keep body parts away!), the whole thing may interfere with other electronics in the vicinity and maybe your pets' hearing. Lastly, long runs of lamp leads are not cool with hf lighting. Capacitive coupling to metal housing or metallized plastic shielded box can drain some of the lamp voltage, giving inexplicable uneven lighting.


I will do this someday...not sure when.



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Ooh - just remembered seeing 2-lamp battery powered fluorescent camping lantern at local Big Lots store for $9.95. Two of those would give me 4 lamps 1/2" x 8-9" or so, and probably two two-lamp inverters. I would probably make the voltage to each one adjustable so it could be 'tweaked' for uniformity.


These are probably poorer color rendering than skinny CCFL types, but for b/w ...



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