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Rollei 6008 Integral locked exposure


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I'm having a bit of trouble regarding manual exposure on my new(used)

Rollei.<BR/>Namely, when I want to use manual exposure, whatever exposure time I

set<BR/>(the aperture is at 2.8 or any other value but A),<BR/>the camera always

wants to use 15 seconds or 30 seconds exposure time.


A few days ago I had the same problem but it went away by itself,<BR/>but now I

just can't solve this one... So far I've tried:<BR/>

- turning the camera off, the setting the center weighted metering and turning

it back on<BR/>

- all the combinations of metering<BR/>

- all the combinations of un/locking the AE lock button<BR/>

- removing the battery<BR/>


In automatic aperture mode, everything works fine...<BR/>

OK that is it more or less...<BR/>

Thanks for help!<BR/>


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Hmm, suspected such a thing and tried just using a dry cloth and cleaning contacts on the lens and the body, but to no avail.<BR/>Didn't however tried it with a contact cleaning solution so I'll give it a try. Thanks!
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Do you have a second lens that you could try on your Rollei 6008i? If you could try a second lens on your body and still experience the same problem, than more than likely the problem is with your 6008i body. The problem could possibly be some sort of short on the circuit board or speed selector switch.


If you only have one lens to work with, set the aperture selector on the lens to 2.8, look through the viewfinder and make certain that the red LED display indicates 2.8. Select 4.0, 5.6 and so forth and the red LED display value inside the viewfinder should always reflect your aperture setting on the lens. Sometimes when the aperture blade contact on your lens aperture ring has a piece that chips off or becomes worn, it can cause the type of problem that you had described.


If you're not able to easily resolve this problem yourself, sending your 6008i body to an authorized Rollei repair facility might be in order.



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Hi all!<BR/><BR/>

I have only one lens, and when I change the aperture, it is correctly shown on the display.<BR/>Again, with or without the lens and in center weighted mode, everything works OK at the A mode on speed dial, but when I set any other value on the speed dial, it shows only 30" exposure regardless of the actual lighting.<BR/><BR/>

I found out another interesting thing, when I set the speed dial to 500 and a 1/3 stop down (1 step to the 1000 mark), the display shows "-5 6400" for a brief time - almost as if it thinks it is working with a 6400 ASA film.<BR/><BR/>

Tried cleaning it like suggested, but to no avail. <BR/>

Well I think it is off to the repairs.<BR/>

If anybody has a suggestion what to try, since I'm really far away from any repair shop (Croatia), I'd even dare to "pry it open" :-) So, any suggestion welcome.<BR/><BR/>

OK, that is it for now...<BR/>

Thanks all the same!

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Having those lens fixed is quite expensive. I had a problem with a distagon HFT 50 that got stuck on f32 on automatic setting. All the electronic had to be changed. I sent it to :


And he made a quote of 400 euros, so I gave up and bought another lens. But for the quote itself, he asks 18 euros. Which is very low. I was told he only speaks german, but his reputation is excellent. Check other posts on the forum they will tell you the same.

Good luck


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Good news! I've managed to repair the error as Erik de G. suggested. <br/><br/>Namely, as far as I can tell, the main cause of problems was dirty or otherwise bad contacts on the exposure setting dial.<br/><br/>I've managed to open the camera and clean those contacts using contact spray and some rather "nervous" rotating :-) Sadly, didn't figure out how to get to that part of the body early on, so I did some stupid dismantling of the shutter dial itself. It's OK now, fortunately!<br/><br/>All in all the problem is solved, but I do have another one at the moment - the body doesn't recognize the ASA setting on the film back. Will try to haggle the problem for a few days and after that I'll post a small "walk through" for other users.<br/><br/>Thanks to all for help!
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