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LF Lab in NYC for 8x10


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I've been shooting 8x10 and contact printing in my tiny NYC apartment for the last year and a half. Now it's time to make some enlargements.




Any suggestions for a high-quality lab that can make 8x10 enlargements in the NYC area?




Also, can anyone suggest a darkroom with an 8x10 enlarger for rent in NYC?

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My Own Color Darkroom on 27th st has a 8x10 enlarger for rent

but its color only.

<p>Print space should have it with full bw & color facilities .




<p>Altaf Shaikh

<br><a href="http://www.usefilm.com">http://www.usefilm.com</a>

<br>Projects for Photographers





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i assume you are doing b&w. the best you can get is laumont digital

on 52nd st. 212.245.2113. they can do anything but it will cost.

they do digital, cibachrome, c-prints, mounting, etc. you should

at least go by and see the operation.

if you're doing color, exhibition prints on 29th st does amazing

work. lti on 30th st, bond street printing lab, and creative

color darkroom on broadway can all do very good 8x10 enlargements.

beth schiffer's photo on four 212.219.1553 has an 8x10 enlarger

and b&w capability (as well as an ra4 processor).

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Print Space doesn't have an 8x10 enlarger on their B/W floor. Best bet

is Beth Shiffer (Photo on Four). They have a Fotar with a Chromega

head. Only drawback is that processing takes place in a different

room. But, it's only $14/hour and the facilities are quite new. I

would not recommend Duggal. Kelton Labs is easily the best in town.

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i agree with the previous poster. stay away from duggal. for

b&w kelton probably is the best in town and they are supposed

to do v. good color work. stay away from the huge commercial labs

unless you have a specific job only they can do. if you have the

time (and money) check out laumont.

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  • 5 years later...

PRINT SPACE Does have an 8 X 10 Durst enlarger for Black and White! We always have had it,

on the Black and White floor, and previously on the old 7th floor. We have really sharp brand

new Rodenstock lenses- 180, 240 and 300 mm. We also give you adequate ventillation,

water temp. at 68 degrees, private print washing- no contamination! Youv'e just made

archival prints, we help you keep it that way!

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