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My 5D suddenly lost track of the date and time...


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...and went back to the year 2000. I researched this and found some similar

problems with 20Ds but no 5Ds. And the problems with 20Ds seemed not to have

been resolved. If it wasn't the date and time battery that died, it was an

intermittent problem that the owners never got fixed because it wasn't a major

thing. However, my warranty runs out next month, so I want to know if anyone

else with a 5D has had this happen, and if so, did you pursue a resolution and

what was the outcome?

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Hi Nadine, As others have noted it's far more likely that the little "watch" battery just died than it is a camera problem. If you don't want to go without your 5D, just try replacing that small battery - it should just be a couple of bucks. Set the time/date and check it over the next 2 weeks. If there's no problem, then that was the culprit and I wouldn't feel the need to send it to Canon. If on the other hand it still loses the date/time with the new battery, then you'd have one week left on your warranty to send the camera back. BTW, I have a 20D with the original battery and it seems to hold the date/time just fine. Good luck!
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I realize the watch battery (2016 battery) could be the culprit, but I just reset the time and date after the incident and it has kept time just fine, even when I take the main battery out to change it. I was wondering if temperature could have been a factor, as I was outside in the wind just before this happened, and then came inside, and I did change the main battery.


My 20D has kept the date and time since I bought it in March, 2005. The batteries are supposed to last about 5 years according to the manual. I will take the 2016 battery out and check it, but I suspect it will test out fine and this was one of those things. That's why I'm asking...

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Yes temp can be a factor. A battery does not produce as many volts when it is cold. Low temp slows the chemical reaction of the battery. However if you live in the SF Bay Area I would not think you have seen much cold weather just yet. Then again I am on the East Coast I don't know if that what got yours, but I am not surprised that a low batt caused the camera to lose date and time and then(for a while) is able to maintain it. Weak batts can do odd things as they are in thier "death throws"



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Thanks Jason, and everyone. You are right, it wasn't that cold, just windy and cold, which makes it feel colder. It had rained the day before and I shot a wedding where I did formals in the "mist"--not really raining. Any chance moisture did the trick? I was trying to shield the camera, and since the battery compartment is not exactly exposed, I wonder if there was any possibility?
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I know those button batteries are supposed to last about 5 years, most do, but occasionally one doesn't.


Also, it might just need to be wiped off with alcohol on both sides, to be sure there's no finger oils or oxidization on the contact surfaces.


Very small voltages from that battery power the memory of the camera, even while the main BP511 battery(ies) are removed. It could have just been a very minor interruption in that current that allowed the date/time to reset.


Did any of your custom settings or menu selections reset to their defaults? That might be another clue, but isn't absolute proof.


If instead it's a software glitch, it can help to "reboot" the camera by removing that same button battery for a few minutes, then re-install it. This will lose all your camera's settings from its memory.


All in all, it sounds minor, but might be an early sign of something more severe. I'd agree contacting Canon now might be a good idea, since you are close to the end of your warranty.

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