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Photo Spot For Big Three in Washington, DC


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Around six months ago or so, someone asked about the location to get a

photograph of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and US Capitol.

There was some discussion about the best spot. Well, I found the location so

this can be stored in the archives for anyone else that may ask.


The best location probably would be atop one of the buildings in Rosyln but

that is not possible at this time. My shot came from just east of the Marine

Memorial (Iwo Jima) at the base of the bell tower at Ft Myer. It is a brief

walk from the parking lot at the memorial. Actually, the top of the bell

tower would be better but I had some concerns about climbing the tower while

surrounded by soldiers with guns.


The sunrise was disappointing because of the angle of the sun so I returned

for evening shots. That was a winner. I thought I would need a long lens but

it turns out this photo was at 200mm (digital), a reach most people have with

a DSLR. Even 100mm gets a nice shot of all of them but of course, it also

includes more of the city.


I used an 80-400 zoom, tripod mounted, ISO 100, f/13 for 30 seconds. I didn't

like the sky that evening and it looked even worse after I reviewed the photo

so I used PS to clean up the sky and take out some of the little lights

popping through.

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Oh yeah, one more thing...... Went to the Lincoln Memorial for sunrise. Very disappointed to learn that tripods are not allowed except at the base of the steps. I was told this was a 'new policy' from the Park Service.


This is a shot of Mr. Lincoln, handheld, 50mm, f/2.8 at 1/40, ISO 800. Those little dots and lines you see on his right side near his head are actually cobwebs. I could have used PS to get rid of them but it is my reminder that the Park Service is more concerned about tripods than cobwebs on the President.


But it is still a great location for sunrise shots of the Washington Monument and Capitol.

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Nice, Bruce. I live just up the Potomac from there, and have never actually given a shot like that a try. In fact, the only time I head into DC is when we're showing friends and family around. You remind me to put on my tourist hat a little more often and go look at that handsome city a bit more often.
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Matt, I know the feeling. When you live somewhere, it is easy to say you can get that photo op anytime.


Walt, you are correct, sort of. You can see all three from there but there is a lot of tree coverage and you need a wide angle lens. Don't know about using a tripod at Arlington Cemetery but I do know you can't get photos there at sunrise, sunset, or in the evening because they are closed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The park service is concerned about wear and tear on the Lincoln, thus no tripods - too many spiked feet chew up the marble. That's a great shot of the Big Three, as you put it. The Iwo Jima is probably the best spot still available- Rosslyn office tower rooves would still require a wide-angle because they're too far around to the side. If you asked the guards at the Carrillon nicely, bet they'd be happy to accommodate your shot request.
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