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Help please. Elmar 5 fake?

luis triguez

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Hi friends,


I won a nice LTM Elmar 5 in eFly for 70 euros. It looks in good condition but

after seen the pictures thoroughly, I doubt if it is not a fake. The difference

with my red Elmar 5 is that it has the distances on the big ring, close to the

screw and in the red one it has the depth of field in that ring.


Would you please give me your wise opinion? I didn`t pay yet. So I`m in time to

avoid the purchase.


Is it an old model? I have not the number of it.


Thank you a lot.<div>00N95t-39458784.jpg.353ef6fad765e78c29da11c8832642f9.jpg</div>

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The Red Scale Elmar swapped the location of the distance and depth-of-field scales.


Nothing I can see in those photos, at that level of detail, suggests anything but a real Elmar.


Is there a number stamped under the focusing tab?


Is the focusing smooth?


Is the serial number engraved in the normal place?

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(The Red Scale Elmar swapped the location of the distance and depth-of-field scales)


I had a pre war and I did`t remember that fact. You make me happy!


I can`t answer to your other questions because I haven`t it yet.


Thanks again.






Hope it does. I`ll see the real diference with the red one when shooting.


Thank you!







Pity I can`t see the number till I get it. The red one I have is a coated 1049XXX. Very crisp indeed.


Thanks a lot.




Adrian and Paul


Good! I am going to sleep tonight like a baby. Thanks boys!

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From photos of similar Elmars that I've seen recently, the 1949 version (around S/N 699000) had focussing scale on the flange, d.o.f scale on the barrel and a minimum aperture of f16. By S/N 770000 (1950) the min. aperture had become f22 and the depth of field scale was moved from the barrel to the flange, etc. This suggests you may have a 'transitional' version dating somewhere about 1949/50 ... I have a similar lens on order from the Leicashop (Wein), hopefully arriving soon. AC
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Luis: I have the very same version of the Elmar. It is interesting to know that this version, which closes to f/22 (as opposed to earlier models that only close to f/16) are in fact upgraded opticallly from the earlier ones. It is equivalent to the Red Scale verfsion optically--or so I understand. At any rate, mine is a fine performer, and yours ought to be as well.
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Hi Luis - what a memory!


Well, Ms Skopar is a colorful flirt, so stays as courtesan for "Frankie" (IIIf), together with his more mature and refined companion, for special occasions, namely Madam Coll Cron. I think that the IIIa (should be called "Old Al") will be stepping out with a new gal, "Red" Scale - she's old, but quite refined.


The new guy on the block is "Arnie Schwartzenleica" (Black III) - bit of a rough diamond: he's gonna be hitched up to venerable Austrian fraulein "Elle Mar" who is arriving soon - they should get on well together. My hippie Canon (a 60's chick) sleeps around a bit so keeping track of her may be a bit tricky!


All these 'characters' might get a trip to the sea-side soon, so we may get some idea of how they all perform side by side. ;-) AC

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Bill, of course I`ll do... when I`ll get it.



Rob, hope mine is as good as yours. Thanks for posting.







Peter, I had an old 1935 and sold it. The red one is sharper than that from that epoch IMO, maybe helps the coated tint. I don`t know about after 1935 Elmars to compare with.

As Johnny says I only take photographs:-)



Alan, wow! So you have a lot of work ahead to do... and to show as

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