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What would be a reasonable price for a NIKON ZOOM-NIKKOR ED 200 - 400 F4 AIS LENS


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Please advice. I may have really jumped the gun & may have offered too much

money for this lens. It's not the VR - it's the older MF version. I messed up &

only read that the lens had been owned by them for about 10 years. But too late

I went online the lens has to be almost 20 years old. I totally missed on the

AF. I don't care about the VR. Before I had a chance to withdraw my offer they

accepted it. I've since confirmed it's age. The stopped making them in 1988. So

the lens is just about 20 years old.


I admit jumping the gun & not thinking about the AIS part. I did immediately

contact them & inform them I may have jumped the gun on this one & wanted to

confirm if AF or MF. Answer came back fast MF. I've asked them to consider

allowing me got bail out of the deal - - no response. Now, I'm an honest person

& will pay if it gets down to that. I will deal with it, work hard at my long

lens technique & do my best with it. Björn Rörslett gives the lens a 5 on a D2Xs

and a 4,5 on the D200) my camera.


Please give me some feedback. What would be a reasonable price for this lens on

eBay ) yes I know but I've been lucky there & tend to be rather careful - but I

do slip up as I did today.


Oh, I can't afford the new VR version. I can't afford any lens for $ 5,000 at

this time. Oh I guess I could afford, but I can't justify. I do shoot wildlife &

has always dreamed of a really long lens for wildlife photography.


Input will be highly appreciated.



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It is, after all, your money we are talking about here, right? If you made a hasty decision that is all too common. You are not obligated to follow through if you don't honestly want the item in question. Eat a bit of crow and admit the mistake. Your honor is not in question here nor is your honesty. The seller still has the lens and is out nothing. Just my take based ont he information available. John
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<i>you should just "eat" it and complete the transaction -- Juanjo</i>


Why? Why should she eat it? What YOU may think is right or wrong applies ONLY TO YOU. SHe has not stolen anything. She made an honest mistake and admits it. Does that mistake come with a $2-3000 penalty (or whatever was offered).


If this was an eBay posting, then the seller was out the eBay fees.

What **I** would do is send an honest email to the seller admitting my mistake and informing tham that I will not be completing the transaction. That is NOT being dishonest... I just don't see the point of paying a $$$$ penalty for an honest mistake. If it will assuage any guilt, then a peace offering of the eBay listing fee may be appropriate. Either way, the penalty to me would be a bad feedback on eBay -- again, IF this was eBay.


Again, that's what **I** would do. I can no more tell you what you SHOULD do than others.


Good luck!



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I state that I'm willing to pay for the lens. Yes, I made a mistake. Them writing out (yes on eBay) that they'd had the lens for a little more than 10 years made me think the lens was about that age. Yes, I should have done more research - the lens is about 20 years old. I'm just wondering what you think would be a fair price for it. Mostly to see how "stupid" I've been. I have sold on eBay & bought on eBay. I've had sellers send me things which are not what they advertise. I always try to work things out. Negative feedback should be a last resort. Fact is that if the seller & I agree to not complete the transaction there will be little issue with eBay as there's ways to do that & insure the seller gets no fees. I would gladly pay those fees for them. But I don't want a MF lens for my BIF lens.


I'll just eat it as Juanjo puts it. I'm honest & will do what I have to.

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I paid approx. $3000 for a mint sample of the 200-400 AIS from KEH. In hindsight, after seeing the quality images this lens can deliver, the price might have been significantly higher and I would consider it a steal nevertheless.


For landscape the AIS version works much better than the new AFS VR, but I'd guess it is the other way around for wildlife.


Some of the gems from the Golden Eara of Nikkor designs still are superb performers today. For the long ones, besides 200-400 AIS, the 180-600/8 ED and the 1200/11 ED-IF come to mind. "Older" doesn't entail "inferior". I'll certainly test them again when I get the D3 in a short while.

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Lil, when the 200-400mm/f4 AI-S was in production back in the 1980's, I believe it was sold in the $3000+ range, new. It was in production for only several years and sort of became a "cult lens," as some well known wildlife photographers such as Art Wolfe used one. Prices in the used market went up to as much as $10K as recently as early this decade. Of course, the introduction of the very very fine AF-S VR version changed everything.


Personally, since my photography heavily depends on AF, the AI-S version is pretty much worthless to me. Optical quality is meaningless if I cannot lock focus on moving subjects consistently.


If you accidentally bid on the wrong lens, I would try to get out of it. There is no point to get stuck on a lens that doesn't meet your needs.


I have the AF-S version and it is wonderful for wildlife and sports photography, especially on the DX sensor. Obviously a $5000 lens is not for everybody, but a 300mm/f4 AF-S is quite affordable. For long lenses, I would rather compromise a bit on the focal length instead of the maximum aperture.

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Most honest ebay sellers will cancel a transaction based on these circumstances. This seller has high positive feedback. Offer to pay the auction fees and he will likely let it go.


Ultimately you don't have to pay (he cannot force you to pay). The worst thing he can do if you don't pay for it is leave negative feedback. As you have excellent feedback, I would not worry about it. It won't affect your ebay buying or selling power.


You could always take the lens and see if you like it, and if you don't, relist it. Who knows, you may make a few dollars if you do!

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Yeh, I made a similar goof with my second Nikkor purchase. I switched from Canon to Nikon specifically for the 28/3.5 PC Nikkor, which I snagged for a very reasonable price on ebay.


But my second purchase, the 180/2.8 Nikkor, didn't go quite as well. I didn't read the auction info carefully and missed the bit about it being a non-AI lens. Sure, it worked fine on my F3 and the optics are outstanding. But if I'd been paying attention I'd have held out for the AI or, at least, AI'd version. In retrospect, I probably paid $25-$50 too much for this lens.


Never have gotten around to having it AI'd, or at least buying the correct replacement part.

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If you by a pre-AI lens by mistake, you can still get it AI converted. You cannot convert a manual-focus 200-400mm/f4 to AF-S.

Lil shoots horses galloping. Having AF is critical.


Whether the 200-400mm/f4 AI-S has "investment" or collection potential is a different story, but in the AF era, it is very limiting for sports and wildlife (and not-so-wild animals) photography.

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I try very hard to follow through with all my business actions to a fault. In your case I would work with the seller about not going through with the transaction. Its not what you want and shipping will cost also. I don't have any negative feedback yet but its sure to happen at some point. You also have the option to respond to negative feedback.
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Thanks Björn (sorry I don't know how to get your correct letter as I don't have the Norwegian keyboard installed). I have several older lenses as I started with an FM back in 1980 & some of todays lenses just feel so cheaply built. So for some of them I look for older versions. However, I really believed this was an older AF version. I went by the 10 years of ownership & didn't think. I should have checked your web site first....... Also, like Shun writes - I do photography horses in action & aim to work more on my BIF shots. I'm just too slow & precise to work a MF for such shots.


Thanks for voicing in. Your opinion means a lot here. If the only way out of this is to pay for the lens etc. Is the foot strong enough or would you recommend something else? I do have a good Markins M20 ball head.


Thanks Shun, I appreciate your words & help. I do have the 300mm f/4 & like it a lot. Problem is - - when on a TC I loose the BIF & find myself hunting for them in the viewfinder & loose them. Your recommendation of the 200-400VR seemed very logical to me, but I can't justify that lens at this time. If I can make money on shooting my friends at shows etc - then I can justify it. But just for my love of wildlife photography I can't see spending that money on a hobby.... Maybe a third party zoom lens.... But I love Nikkor/Nikon quality build. :-( I'm exhausted from this.


Elliot - -


thanks for offering your opinion & thoughts on this. I will again try to contact them. I should have been more careful. I made a mistake. I won't make this mistake again. (I hope) I will do what I have to & deal with it. :-)


Peter - -


I do shoot horses in action - often full speed ahead. Focusing I'm always very particular about & therefore take my time at. That's a problem with a MF lens & a woman with chronic headaches who often walks around in a daze. The amount of shots I get rid of cause they don't hold up at sever crops. I actually refer to myself as a sharpness fanatic. If I end up with the lens I will report back. :-)


Hi Lex,


you should have that lens AI'd - - it doesn't cost all that much & I'm sure it gives you stunning colors. I don't think the AI conversion is much more than about $ 30.00 - - would be well worth it for a macro lens I think. We all make mistakes. Errare Humanum Est. ;-)



Thanks, I'm going to try to contact the seller again. Cause they've not responded yet & it's almost 24 hours.....


Thanks for all the feedback, input & support. This has me rather upset & I've slept poorly & feel exhausted over it. My conscience is in major conflict here.



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Thanks Carl for adding your thoughts. I have had a few problems on eBay, but most of them have been correctable & I always try to work things out in a manner that both parties are OK with it. Only leave negative if no way out exists. Sellers who simply refuse to deal with me when they've taken me get a negative immediately to warn other buyers. I tend to do everything I can to be honest in my eBay transactions.





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I own a 200/2 AI and 400/2.8 AIS and have often considered adding the 200-400 AIS to my collection, however it still commands extremely high prices for my budget. I bought the lenses above from Adorama for $600 and $1200 USD so when I started looking for the 200-400, about a year ago, I assumed it could be had for less than $800 USD but this particular lens is so reveared they still go for about double that and maybe more depending on condition. They are also extremely rare. Obviously still a bargain compared to the current AF VR unit. Good luck!
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If serial numbers are to go by, then only about 450 of those were made. Estimating value becomes really hard, because the number on the market is small. Since everyone is raving about the performance, it is reasonable to expect that the lens commands a high price, though it should be clearly less than that of the AF-S.


The real problem is that if this is not the lens for you, then its value for you is low. I don't think there's a convenient way to AF a lens of this size without ultrasonic motors, so it's just about deciding which version do you really need (maybe you someday can buy the AF-S version).

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Thanks John - -


for your input. I've contact the seller about three times by now. They're not responding. I've gotten their phone number from eBay & will try to call tomorrow. Just don't get why they won't reply. I've offered to pay their eBay fees & offered to negotiate a more reasonable offer admitting I made a mistake - still no response.


Hi Oscar - -


I feel I can safely say this lens is not for me. BUT I will pay for it if it comes to that. I just need the seller to respond to my e-mails.


Yes, maybe one day I can afford the AF-S version..... But that will be a long time in the future should I pay for this lens.





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Just wanted to update you all since you've all been helping me.


I've just spoken with the seller on the phone. He's a little miffed as he had 11 watchers on the lens & was in contact with several who were telling he they were going to make offers - then I did & he took it. Turns out he needs the money for his daughter's divorce. I again offer to pay his fees, which he refused saying he knows he can get them back from eBay & will re-list soon. I offered to send him $ 100.00 towards the fees & for his trouble - - he rejected that.


So I guess it's resolved. I told him outright that I made a mistake & that I am truly sorry.


So there it is.


Do I feel better now - - - no, now I feel worse as I know he was trying to raise money for his daughter. But hopefully the people who were in contact with him will be so again.


Thanks for your support & I'm sure I'll get past this with time & I've learned a harsh lesson for sure. Not an easy call to make - but one I felt obligated to make.



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Geez. If the guy had contacts, then all he needs to do is e-mail them and let them know he's relisting it. If he's still wound up about this, and won't take your offerings, then I'd say you did your best, and he's just a hard case you're better without him. Divorces don't start or end in a matter of days. The money dosesn't need to be in hand immediately. This story and his unwillingness to contact you make me wonder about this seller all the more. If he had relisted when you first contacted him, he wouldn't have wasted all this time ! If he never mentioned it WAS a MF lens on top of all this....I think your were not at fault in any way.


Sleep easy, Lil.

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Yeh, considering all the interest in that lens he won't have any trouble selling it. But I can certainly understand the pressure to raise money quickly. (That reminds me: I've got car insurance, registration and inspection sticker payments coming up. Yikes.)


BTW, Lil, I guess the reason I haven't gotten around to having that 180/2.8 AI'd is because I still have the F3 to fall back on. And I only use that lens wide open, so even stop down metering isn't an issue. It's a beauty and practically worthless on today's market, even AI'd. Kinda like an ugly but lovable pet. :p I doubt I'd get $50 for it now, so it's a keeper.

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Since Nikon has so many different versions and variations for its SLR products over 5 decades, when we buy and seel used items, we need to be very specific.


In the past, I have sold 2 different 80-200mm/f2.8 and I always specifiy the exact version: push-pull zoom, non D and AF-S. The NE-EL3 battery has the original, A and E variations; only the latest E version works on the newer DSLRs such as D80, D200 and D300.

The N8008/F801 has a later S update and only the N8008s has a spot meter, which IMO is critical.

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Hi Lex - -


in regards to your lens. You seem to love it. As far as I'm concerned, that's all that matters. Enjoy it. It's value is after all only of importance to you. Sounds to me like you love it & enjoy it & that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned.


Hi Shun - -


wise words & hopefully I've learned my lesson & will make sure I ask questions before I "jump" again.



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