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Was just given a Voigtlander Vitessa T & Fujica V2.

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Are they good cameras?


The Voigtlander Vitessa T has a 50mm f2.8 & 35mm f3.4. Also there is a thing I

can put on top of the camera that looks like you can use it to see what the

photo will look like with different lenses. I'm just checking the internet

about the camera. Haven't quite figured out the lens yet. It seems like you

can set to different shutter ranges then put the lens on. Is there a battery &

meter? I figured out how to open the camera and advance the film.


The Fujica V2 is an automatic camera? Also used to use mercury battery? Can be

used manual metering?


Have been using a Yashica Electro 35 GT for awhile. Are the above cameras any

better in picture quality?


Thank you,


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Hi Rick the Vitessa T is a fine camera. Your lens is probably the Color Scopar 50mm not sure which 35mm you have. The 50mm is a Tessar type capable of sharp photos colour or B&W. My advise set the exposure range with the lens in place you use the red numbers. Draw the ring with the red numbers to the front and turn to the measured number. look at the top right meter field turn in the asa with the wheel at the back. to do this chose the given letter ( from A TO F )

Only up to 200asa.E is 100 asa then point at the direction you are taking read the red needle it will be between 6 and 18 the value is the one you set at the selection on the lens. Once done select the exposure time with the ring closest to the body , remember the shortest time will be the largest aperture.Focus with the front black tab transport and setting shutter is the plunger. Please feel free to question this if the need arises get my Email.Good luck and enjoy.


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