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Pentax K10D NEW user ... firmware question and ...

jacques c pelletier

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I am very new with a Pentax K10D and I was wondering if the installed software

that came with the camera, that is v.1.00, is "outdated".

Well, the camera seems to be perfect so far (I have certainly not had time to

use all of the possible functions yet, perhaps never will), so is it worth

the "risk" to upgrade to the v.1.30? What would it domore than what's "on

board" already?


Next question:

I am considering swithching from a Sigma 28-200mm f/3.5-6.3 (older lens, about

5 years old) to a Tamron 18-300mm, newly announced all over the web. Or perhaps

it was a 18-250, I am not so sure now.

Pentax just came out with a new 18-250mm also, but would it be worth the higher


Anyone's suggestion(s) would be tremendously appreciated.


This is one great website and forum!


Cheers to all,


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Hi JP,


Like you, I just got my K10D two days ago and it came with firmware v1.00. I updated it this morning with v1.3. You can download and follow the installation instruction in this link:




Instead of getting the kit lens (18-55mm), I bought the Sigma 17-70 instead and I'm very happy with the IQ. My next lens of course would be the 70-200 or 70-300.



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Thanks, Conrad.

Did the update messed up with your camera functions at all? I was told that it could do just that. Is there a way to "save" the original v.1.00 just in case?

I still have to get myself a "regular" lens, anywhere from wide to 50-70mm because I am using the 28-200 right now as a sole lens. Not bad, but could be better. Also have an oldie 28mm SMC Pentax which I keep, it has great optics.

Since I do take a lot of outdoors pictures, I prefer a good quality zoom lens but I realize that I need a bit more "power".


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I'm answered in the response to this question too, Jacques. I also just got my new Pentax K10d - and am enjoying exploring all its features. I didn't buy the standard kit lens, instead I bought two others - the Pentax 28-80, and the Pentax 75-300. I haven't even put the second lens on yet, I'm still learning what the first one will do for me. :)


I haven't had the chance to do any daytime pictures yet, and am still relying on the "green" mode to take care of all the details. There's so many options, and the manual is so thick, It's overwhelming. I'm thinking I may need to take a class to really know what I'm doing.



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I haven't had a chance to play with it after the update but I'm confident it's for the better. From reading in other forums, some functions that are accessible thru the menu can now be assigned in the two dials like changing ISO (Av, Tv, M) using the front dial or just hitting the OK button and the rear dial. You cannot save the original firmware and reinstall it. Cheers.
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The Pentax 18-250 is worth it over the Tamron. They're the same design, but the Pentax gets the better SMC coating and Full-time manual focus.


As to the K10D firmware versions, they primarily enable additional capabilities. v1.10 adds wireless commander flash with the popup flash, 1.2 adds support for the Remote Assistant software for tethered shooting and 1.3 adds support for SDM focus drive. I would recommend running the latest firmware.

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Hi jacques (salut),There is no problem to get the 1.30 for the k10d,you have lot of new control,when you download the 1.30,they add the 1.1,1.2 at the same time so I suggest to do it its easy and simple but make shure you have a full charge battery its very important,you can follow the instruction to the Pentax web site,take the one to download the firware in your SD card with the card reader.
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Thank you very much to all who have taken the time to read and reply to my question(s); very nice to be part of a forum where one does actually get answers!

I noticed that most users would use zoom lenses, one short, one long; I thought about that for a while and wondered if a GOOD "overall" zoom lens (whether it is the Tamron 18-250, Pentax 18-250 or, if I am not mistaken, the Tamron 18-300 (??)) would suffice?

As for the firmware, I will likely download it after this weekend but gosh I hope it will not crash once loaded, as we often see with Windows-related softwares.


Have a great weekend.

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a GOOD "overall" zoom lens ...


I have tried 28-200, 28-70, 28-105, 70-210.


For their respective ranges, all lenses performed very well at both ends, except for the 28-200. Basically, (I think) if the zoom ratio (max / min) goes beyond 4, you lose on quality. Probably, my 28-200 would perform best actually at, say, 35-140 range. Don't know for sure, will have to try. But how to compare? Tough.


I would prefer splitting the entire range (whatever you are interested in) into at least two lenses, 28-80 and 75-300, rather than one 28-300, even though the latter is cheaper and more convenient, only because the former would give me better quality. Of course, one can also add some exotic 11-22 and 170-500, but I am not so RICH ...


If you just want one lens, general purpose, IMHO 28-105 is the unbeatable choice. Of course, brands do have their own quality dimensions, but mostly all of them essentially use the same optical calculations, even though the glass and mechanical quality differs.


Please correct me if I am wrong.



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This I ordered from Brault & Martineau, in Qu颥c, Canada. I also bought the K10D there.

The lens should be here in early November and I was told that a total of 30 such lenses (all 18-250) would be available throughout all B & M stores (10 stores total). So, not that many around!

Since we are always behind in receiving anything here, I would assume that you could get one from your own "neck of the woods". Where do you live?

What do you think it could be like, it in terms of quality?


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