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Buying M6 tonight.


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Hi Byron,


The key is to get to know people in Victoria who are using film.


There is nothing to prevent you from calling up the photography department at UVic just to talk about what's happening and to make some connections.


If it sounds a bit pushy to phone these people and ask to speak with one of the instructors, despite not being enrolled (at least not yet), don't sweat it.


My bet is that they'll be happy to talk and help out.


Best of luck.

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By the way Byron,


As you may or may not be aware, one of your local photographers, Jeff Wall, is pretty important.


A few months ago, I saw a show of his work at New York's Museum of Modern Art. I was pretty much blown away. Of course, he has his detractors :)


If you haven't seen his work, check it out. The MOMA site is OK, but the UK's National Gallery site (have I got the right UK gallery?), where the show was last fall, is quite a bit better.



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Hey Byron,


Too much advice makes it sound complicated but working in film is easy.


Start off by shooting colour negative ASA 100/200/400. When you get the film developed and printed, ask them to scan the negs and make you a CD at the same time.


Use the returned colour prints as contact proofs or pub hand rounds. Use the CD to get the shots onto your computer. Use the software there to convert any chosen shots to B+W. This will get you very good B+W results to be going on with.


Alternatively, buy any C41 B+W film and have the same place develop and print it in B+W for you. With or without a CD. Depends if you want the images on your computer or not. Bear in mind that often these films end up producing magenta or sepia toned results when printed commercially and you just lost the option to use them in colour.


Longer term : Take the advice above re learning to develop your own B+W negs. It is fun and not hard. Not worth doing though until you are ready to buy a neg scanner or get an enlarger/darkroom to make prints. Otherwise all you will end up with is a load of negatives.


Clear enough?

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If you get over to vancouver at all, look up Tom Abrammsson and his fellows. They normally

meet up every friday morning for coffee. Email him at his site (www.rapidwinder.com). I can't

remember which cafe it is, I know his regular cafe is cafe Viva across the road from his

apartment, but he'll let you know where they all meet on Fridays.



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