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Exchange a 5D for a 40D?

C R Utra

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This may sound strange, but I have the opportunity to sell my 5D and get a new

40D and save money (taxes here in Brazil are high for eletronics and I will be

able to travel abroad), so will I miss something in terms of image quality,

body quality etc? (I use mostly primes --50 and 135-- and a 17-40, for street,

nature and portraits). Thanks in advance.

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You'll probably miss the large 'n vivid 5D viewfinder and your wide lenses. Build quality and

feel are about the same. The 40D LCD is much brighter and clearer. You'd probably only see

a real diff in IQ in big landscape prints. Small detail like twigs and blades of grass are

rendered much more distinctly from 5D files.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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From a pure image quality point of view, there may be little or no loss if you get the 40D. A couple of pundits (Michael Reichmann of Luminous Landscape for one) have stated that the 40D IQ and it's new 14bit depth is very close in overall image quality to the 5D.


On the other hand from a functional point of view, to achieve what you have now with the 5D on a new 40D, you would have to get a whole new series of lenses--the 10-22 zoom, a Sigma 30F1.4 and a Canon 85F1.8 EOS. Thus wiping out whatever savings you gained. Of course you could use your existing lenses with the 40D but I think you would experience a rather major functional loss.

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Actually, I am not unhappy with the 5D. I just heard that the new generation 40D has an equivalent image quality (what I am asking you if it is true), the reason why I am thinking if I would be happier with a D40 and about the same amount of its price in my pocket!
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Unless you need the features that the 40D provides that are not found in the 5D (faster

burst, dust reduction, etc.) and you are currently dissatisfied with the 5D, it doesn't seem

like trading down would make much sense unless you are looking to make a bit of money

on the difference between the two.


Your image quality certainly isn't going to be better on the 40D, and some will argue that

the 5D is still going to have the image quality advantage. (That's my position, and I think

if you read the Reichmann article carefully you may find some support for that.)


Take care,



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Someone else alluded to this, but has anyone heard anything about when the new 5D replacement (mark II?) will be coming out?


I know that after I owned the 10D one year the 20D was out to replace it, at the same price and much improvement. I decided to wait on the 5D for its replacement so that I would not get burned again. But the 5D has been out quite a while with no replacement yet.

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You will loose out on your wide angle. I have both and I use my 5D with the 24-105 and the 40D with my 100 macro and 100-400. If you can have both. I love both wide angle and zoom and its very easy to just cary to cameras than to change lenses.
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