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LR: Web Photo Gallery during the 30 d trial period?

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Herma, if you choose the 'Upload' option yes, it will ask for your website login password info/address etc..It ask this to permit LR to upload direct to your online-website! But, if you just opt for Export, you can save your gallery production to a folder on your hard-drive eg. Desktop (i.e. choose somewhere outside of the regular Lightroom file structure)...and needless to say, you can 'use' the web-site gallery even after your 30 day trial expires....<br><br>Prior to 'Exporting' do use the 'Preview In Browser' option and 'play' with all the decorative options etc...
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Mark, Mike and Mike,

Where could I host an occasional Flash Web Gallery? I realize I was pretty clueless about uploading my finished Flash Gallery. I've used Picasa/Google for regular pictures but not anything Flash. I am really new at this web stuff...I thought Adobe would just be able to host this. There is an option in PSE where you can create a web gallery.. pretty dumb eh? I will probably need to shell out some $$..?



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Herma....Web hosting doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Even if you have a large site or need more space you can still place your Web site on the Net for free. Ofcourse, the 'free web space' does have limitations and 'cons' like having to carry advertisements, the amount of traffic permitted etc..etc...<br>It's worth checking if your ISP provides you with some web-space too. If so, that might do for starters. If you want to own a personal domain name e.g.'Hermaornes.com' there are some additional costs but this too is not prohibitive.

<br><br>Here is some general info on:


<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_hosting_service"> Web Hosting Services. </a><br>And yes, you can create web pages/flash /web photo galleries from Photoshop more or less exactly like Lightroom does.

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