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D300 vs. D200


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I'm ready to purchase a new camera. I'm looking for feedback in the D2oo vs.

the D300. Now, I know the 300 is not available until "November" and I need a

backup camera ASAP. With that being said, having 52 point focus is NICE, is it

really necessary to get the 300? Also, has anyone heard anything regarding

lenses? Will the lenses that fit my D50 fit the 200 and 300?


Thanks! Tim

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Timothy, first of all, you need to figure out whether you really need another DSLR ASAP. If so, you shouldn't even think about the D300, which is not yet available.


I would suggest against getting one of the first D300's. Let the guinea pigs test them for a couple of months and discover all potential nasty bugs first. If Nikon indeed delivers the D300 starting in November, I wouldn't get one until at least February to March, 2008.


Is the D300 "better" than the D200? On paper, the D300 sure looks a lot better. I don't know whether that is also the case in reality.

Either one should be a lot better than the D50 you have been using.

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>> is it really necessary to get the 300?


Not really. It's necessary to eat!


Seriously though, it's necessary if you need the features and added resolution, and have the

money. Compared to the D50, better Matrix metering, faster fps, higher resolution by 4MP,

much larger view screen. It's a significant upgrade from the D50.


Jump aboard while it's new. The price won't go down very much anyway.

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I think people put FAR too much money into camera bodies, and most of that is wasted. My strategy has been to first build up a group of top notch lenses which will allow me to take the kind of photos I want to take. Next, I bought a really solid first class tripod (Gitzo 1325/AcraTech head.) Last, I bought the D80, which is essentially the same camera as the D200. Yes, I can easily afford a D300 if I want. However, I just don't see that it will do that much more for me than the D80. Just don't see it. So instead of throwing money away on a camera, I bought another ultra fast lens and have been buying extra flash units and sticking Elinchrom radio slaves on them. Such fun! The flash & slaves gives me tremendous capability, the D300 gives me nothing. Far too many beginners rush out and put huge money on a camera that would be much better placed on lenses or even a tripod.



Kent in SD

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You get way faster frames per second at high megapixel on the D300 than on any other current Nikon DSLR. That reason alone should be enough to upgrade if your interest is in sports photography. That is one feature that digital cameras have yet to match when competing with manual film cameras of 20 years ago like the F2/F3 high speeds.


If you really want a backup, I would look into getting another used D50/D70 then getting the D300 when it is more readily available in March like Shun suggested and by then D200s should be at bargain prices. Also there should be quite a bit more camera announcements at PMA in Jan/Feb which might mean a D80 replacement/refresh.

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There are improvements with every new camera release. And while you can compare features on paper, actually using a camera may reveal traits you like or dislike.


Kent, I thought as you did. On paper, there really are very few dfferences between the D80 and D200. But having used the D80s exclusively for the past number of months, and having used D200s extensively for the previous 1 1/2 years, IMO, the D200 has enough differences (features only, image quality is identical) to warrant the small additional expenditure, especially if you have the money to do so. As it sounds you not a beginner, I suggest you at least check out the D300 - you may find you like it.


Tim, if you need a body today and cannot wait for the D300 or don't have the money, I would suggest you get another D50, assuming you are fully satisfied with it. There are available 'cheap' and you will have no learning curve (a new camera will take time to learn and you may get confused between the two).

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I currently have a D50 and have been considering the same purchase. In your situation, if you really need a backup ASAP, then the D200 would be an excellent choice. However, if ASAP means December, then I would wait for the D300.


As others have commented, you should upgrade your lenses first before upgrading your body. If your happy with your lenses, and simply want a camera that performs at a much higher level, then either the D200/300 will be a great choice. D200's are starting to show up on a lot of boards for sale. You might be able to get a used one much cheaper, and upgrade your glass at the same time for the same price as a new D300.


Being fairly new to the hobby myself, I found that I've outgrown the D50. My next camera will be the D300 because I can justify the price point based on my level of interest in the hobby.



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As already stated, needing a back-up ASAP makes this a no-brainer.


I needed a back-up ASAP last August and got a second D200, even though the rumor mill was pretty hot about an upcoming new DSLR. True enough the D300 announcement came out soon after I got my D200.


Do I have any regrets? No, of course not. I needed to have 2 bodies by late August, and that was that.


If I didn't need the 2nd body by then, would I have waited? Yes, definitely, I would've waited.



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There are a lot of things that make this a big upgrade for me from the D200. My holy grail is

a digital F100. The D200 came close. The D300 seems like it may be the body I've been

looking for low these many years. Personally, I think that the D70S is a classic, but the D200,

as great as it is, has just a few too many niggling flaws to reach what I'd consider classic

status. As far as I can see, the D300 fixes all of them. If it's the camera it appears to be on

paper, I'll be very happy with the upgrade. Oh, and I'm particularly pleased with the new

battery grip. The MB-D200 feels like a toy. The MB-D10 looks like a much more substantial

and useful grip.

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The D300 would be nice but you can probably get the D200 at a pretty hefty discounted price pretty soon then spend the savings on a high quality lens. High quality glass will do more for overall image quality than the upgrade difference between the D200 to D300.
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Back up to what? Generally if your client, or your end result, dictates which camera is necessary to attain your desired results and deliver under certain circumstances, then you should have a backup camera that meets those same requirements.<p>Re: "<i>I bought the D80, which is essentially the same camera as the D200.</i>"<p>no, it's not... t
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