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Eizo S2431W vs Eizo S2411W

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I have had my eye on an Eizo monitor for a while. I just saw a sale of Eizo

monitors on the website for a Japanese electronics shop I buy from.


I am wondering if anyone can see from the specs whether one of these two models

is better suited to photo editing than the other. There are some differences and

I am sure either would be great but I may have missed something that made one

better than the other. I can't afford the CG or CE series. I'd be using it soley

for photo editing as I am not into gaming or watching DVDs etc on my computer.


I was pretty set on the Eizo S2431W

(http://www.eizo.com/products/lcd/s2431w/index.asp) which is more or less a

stripped version of the HD2441W, a High definition gaming and entertainment

ready monitor. In Japan I can get it for 98,000yen ... or about $750US (plus I

get about $120 in points to use at the store at a later date).


With the sale the Eizo S2411W

(http://www.eizo.com/products/lcd/s2411w/index.asp) is also interesting. It

comes in at 116,800 yen (US$1,000) plus I get about $140 in points.


Hoping to hear your thoughts about these monitors.

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I just bought a Flexscan S2431W for photo editing last week having read various web reviews that gave it top marks for use by photogs requiring accurate colour but without the critical ability of the CG series, and it is astonishingly good. I had a reasonably good (I thought!) Phillips paneled LG 19incher that got rave reviews when I bought it, and side by side the Eizo kills it.


The viewing angles are excellent, uniform brightness across the screen, and really fine colour reproduction that I can only describe as 'luminous', and a tonal range that is excellent. The 'cleanliness' of the whites is really astounding. The various other features such as swivel to vertical, built in speakers and USB hub just add to the party. For the cost I think it is excellent.


The CG series may be better, but this is pretty damn good in my opinion.


Nitpicking? The controls below the screen are very hard to see and I need to wear a head torch to be able to see them when calibrating!

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