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5D and focusing


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Where do you guys find it useful? I tried it once and found it terribly hard to use. I have logged a lot more hours with the camera now and may not find it such a pain to retrain my fingures if there was an apparent advantage to it. I assume there is an advantage otherwise folks would not love it so. Maybe it's my style of photography or some thing, but I just don't see it right now.


Maybe I should start my own thread on this.



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Jason, I agree with Michael. I set the * button for AF so I can focus and then use the shutter

for the exposure, usually aperture priority. It's quick to learn and overcomes accidental

refocusing if you move the camera off the subject(s). The * button either continuous focuses

or locks it.

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Others have already mentioned why the * button is used to lock focus, and depressing the shutter button midway is used to lock exposure.<p>


I just wanted to add that locking exposure off another part of the scene and then recomposing is only valid if one is using partial / spot metering, not if the camera is set to use evaluative metering.<p>


Neville Bulsara<br>

India Photo Tours, Photography Workshops & Expeditions for the Discerning Photographer

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