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Ektar Commercial lenses


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I just got an Ektar Commercial 14" lens. A bit different in its interface from my Rodenstock 210.





1) There does not seem to be a lever to open the lens for focussing. How do I focus? Set it on T?





2) Three settings: Off, X, and M. What are they for?





3) Standard cable release does not seem to trip the shutter although it work fine when I manually trip it.




Thanks, Vinod

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1) Unless somebody know of a secret lever, sure, set it on T for


2) Flash sync. X is electronic flash, M is flash bulbs, and OFF is

off (I've never seen a sync switch with OFF.)

3) Not all cables are created alike. I have one that will trigger my

35mm bodies, but doesn't have the "reach" to trip my LF shutters ot

Mamiya TLR's. If nothing is broken with the shutter, you may just

need another release. I have to carry my lenses into the camera shop

and try the releases in the store.

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"Unless somebody know of a secret lever, sure, set it on T for


There is no "secret lever" - just a lever in very plain view, if it

is mounted in an Ilex #5 like mine is. If you don't see the lever,

it may well be boroken off - I've seen several Ilexes with this lever


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as Sheldon said, assuming that your lens comes in a Ilex shutter

#5 there should be a lever, have a good look, the lens has normally

this type of shutter. This shutter is of a "prontor" type, so to speak,

which means that you do not have to cock it, this if your cable release

extends longer than , say, an inch. Otherwise you need to cock the

shutter every time.Settings are for synchronization of the strobe or

flash lamps.

good luck

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Well, I checked carefully and nothing seems to be broken. There is

only one lever which when pulled trips the shutter in addition to

cable release socket, the flash sync socket and flash setting.

Shutter speeds are from 1 to 1/50. It is marked No 5 Universal

Synchro on the lower part with Illex on the top.

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I have a 12" in a number 4 Ilex shutter. It may differ from the

number 5. Looking directly at the front of the lens, there is a lever

at 1 o'clock which is pushed down to cock the shutter. At the 12

o'clock position is a small pin with a cap that is pushed down with

the shutter cocked to open the shutter to focus setting. This pin is

different from the shutter release, which is located at the 10

o'clock position. Pushing the pin in opens the shutter, it is

recocked to close. Could your little pin assembly be broken off?

Perhaps the number 5 shutter didn't have one, but every one I have

seen or owned worked like mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a 10" Wide-Field Ektar with the same shutter. It's

self-cocking, hence the need for a cable-release with a long plunger

and no focusing lever. Use "T" for focusing. If the shutter hasn't

had a CLA for a while, you might send it in. The shutter throw seems

to get longer with use, and it occasionally needs to be adjusted.




The flash sync has an "off" setting, because you might conceivably be

using flashbulbs and just setting the shutter to "T" for focusing or

maybe making a multiple-exposure with flash for part of the shot and

no flash for part of the shot, and it's convenient just to be able

to turn the sync off.

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