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"In the six months before being merged with the Medium Format forum, the Pentax 67 forum was averaging 3.27 new threads per week"


There are 21 new p67 threads from June 14 to Oct. 14 (today). That's 5 threads per month after P67 forum is merged with MF forum, alomst only one thread per week. That's way down from 3.27.

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One great feature of the p67 forum in the past was its sub categories. A quick look at all sub categories gave you a clear idea what to expect from the p67 forum. I could search within a specific sub category and if necessary I could read every threads and never felt I was wasting time. Now after merging into the MF forum everything is scrambled up into a long list of threads. I could search still but each search always yield wanted and unwanted threads. Some threads may never be found any more. Most of the p67's great stuff in the past is lost. Imagine reading an encyclopedia that orders every thread by the date they were entered.
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Please don't break them up. I own or have owned three different medium format systems,

and I enjoy reading some threads on others that I don't own yet but might, as well as those

that I doubt I'll ever own. I like going to one link where I can quickly find posts covering a

wide range of cameras of interest to me.

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I like it the way it is. If I want to read about a specific topic, I can use the search feature or pic from the column on the right.


As far as newbie questions go, we've all been there. I figure that the more people I can help get into MF, the longer the film will be available to me and my aging TLR's.

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Moderators; wouldn't it be possible to have it both ways ? Have seperate Pentax 67, Rollei, and Hasselblad forums, AND a Medium Format forum ? Post in each individual forum, and that post also goes into the general medium format forum ? People who are system-specific need only browse their own forums. Just a thought.
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I like it the way it is--with all brands of medium format cameras discussed in one forum. I own a Mamiya RB67, Mamiya 645Super, and Hasselblad 500C/M--but I have learned SO much about other brands and cameras. That's the beauty of this place--you get a very rounded education on all medium format cameras.


For those who feel their particular brand is not discussed enough--start posting more! The more the better. I seriously doubt the combining of the forums did anything to cause a drop in postings for any one camera brand.


I agree with posting more photos--would LOVE that!

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"Here's my third reason not to change: How would someone easily ask the question, "Which medium format system should I get (for this purpose, within this budget, etc.)?""


It is a lest interesting thread for the majority participants of the MF forum. And you want the forum to remain as is for this particular kind of threads? Not I am not willing to help beginners. Most likely when you see a new thread like that there are plenty replies posted already. And those replies are the same thing being repeated over and over agin. I would not even bother to read it.

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