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My Pentax K1D Wish list


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I know I have pretty specialized needs, but here's my wish list for a new

offering from Pentax. Maybe they are listening.


1. No noise at 1600 and remarkably little at 6400.

2. Self calibration for hot-pixels - why hasn't anyone thought of this yet?

3. 16 frames per second for three seconds in raw mode.

4. "Minimum" shutter speed setting in T modes (am I the only dope that can't

avoid brushing the e-dials?)

5. "Minimum" aperture settings in A modes.

6. Built-in GPS or external interface

7. JIS-7 water resistance rating

8. Artificial "horizon" in viewfinder

9. Menu controllable and tunable IR filter.

10. Wireless PC connectivity.



Thoughts anyone?

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11. A square sensor, 12. An LX compatible interchangeable viewer system (nobody has ever

heard those from me before) 13. A split screen in the focusing screen that works with center

spot metering. (we can have both right now, just not at the same time) 14. User definable

buttons (3 would be good) and a scripting language that would allow various functions to be

programed for all kinds of stuff like WB presets, trap focusing, favorite ISOs etc. at the touch

of a button. 15. A touch screen on the back with a

stylus so when I go to the golf course and run into Tiger Woods, I can take his picture and he

can autograph it on the back of the camera. (or just jot notes with each frame...) 16. A LOCK

on the e-dials (because I bump them too...)

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Camera already has a 12 frame RAW buffer with at 3+ frames per second.


If you are not getting this I recommend faster cards. I get 12 frames, no hiccups. Never measured but it seems like 3fps (not slower).


So cross that off the list.


Personally I don't need 3.16 fps, but 4.5fps (or a solid 5fps). My PZ-1p gave a legit 4.5fps and I need that again.


Add on a 1/250th second manual flash sync and I'm golden.


ISO 6400 is a dream and according to things I've read, not very realistic. Curious to see how the new Nikon and Canon ISO 6400 pans out.


Anyway, give me ist D like (but with better resolution) ISO 1600 and my needs above and I will not utter a single complaint (keep everything else the K10D has).

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I'd like to add the following:<br>


<li>Foveon style sensor (combined RGB per pixel)

<li>enhanced sensor sensitivity to oblique rays

<li>focusing accuracy improved to Leica rangefinder standards for normals and wides

<li>full frame sensor with AS (4 stop improvement)

<li>price less than $1000



Estimated delivery date: 2015

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Ha, I was wondering where he came up with 3.16...got it.


hmm, 16FPS, um, why not just shoot video? I'm not joking either.


As far as my statement on ISO, i've read quite a few intelligent articles that explain that creating superhigh quality high ISO in digital isn't a given. That it will at least be some time before it happens and the idea that it is a given is not very likely. Basically, it's a lot more complicated then we envision, and might not even be possible in the short term.

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There is a lock for the e-dials. It's the "green" mode. I doubt you'll find that answer satisfactory.


I don't much care for 16fps or even 8. Three is already plenty and five would be more than enough. I'd rather see 1/250 flash sync and a quieter shutter (though these probably are partially conflicting goals).


Min/Max range for auto aperture & shutter sound like good ideas. I suppose this could be controlled in a similar manner to auto-ISO range. Make WB and Flash Comp directly accessible without Fn/LCD. Digital artificial horizon and gridlines in the viewfinder also sound nice.

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Not bad...only downloaded the basketball shot but not to shabby. very film like actually, very impressive. If I could get that from ISO 1600 i'd be thrilled.


The K10D/D200 sensor was really a step backwards IMO.


Give me that at ISO 1600, 5fps, and 1/250th flash sync and I'm dancing in the streets.

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One thing to note, Dave Black is no neophyte, and that shot was most likely strobed (not natural light).


Results Dave Black gets from his perfect strobe setups shouldn't be confused with what Joe Blow gets while shooting 6400 in natural light and missing the exposure.


Still very impressive regardless.

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I would like it to watch my 7-month old two days a week so I can go out and take pictures.

Ideally it should charge less than $10/hour, but if it's responsible and keeps her entertained I

guess I'll pay it.


And a push-button spot meter just behind the thumb.

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  • 3 weeks later...

TTL flash support<P>

AA batteries<P>

No bigger or heavier than the istDS<P>

Easy to use lens autofocus calibration that doesn't need the service mode enabled.<P>

Camera recognises each AF calibration per lens and automatically reapplies it when that lens is put on again (This really wouldn't be difficult to implement, even in the current and past DSLRs)<P>

AF assist lamp<P>

TTL flash support<P>

I really don't care what size the sensor is as long as it works with all my existing lenses (a mix of FF and APS-C), and as long as the noise at 1600 is equal to or less than on the 6MP models. I accept a FF sensor will vignette with my APS-C lenses. That's why they invented cropping. FF performance out of APS size would be nice, though.<P>

A round sensor to use all my lenses' abilities<P>

If the sensor is APS-C size, a matched 0.7x teleconverter to turn my 50/1.4FF into a 35/1.0APS-C, and to turn my 135/2.8FF into a 85/2.0APS-C etc.<P>

Split prism screen<P>

User changeable IR-pass / IR-cut / UV pass sensor filters (I had to buy a cheapy K110D to cut up to put an IR pass filter in it).<P>

Orientation sensor for portrait/landscape<P>

Orientation for arbitrary angles if a round sensor is implemented.<P>

2 SD card slots<P>

Frame counter that goes above 9999<P>

TTL flash support<P>

Yeah, that artificial horizon Brad mentioned. Could be digital if it makes it lighter. TBH, could just be two numbers, tilt & droop.<P>

Explanation of how to use the scripting language. The ist has one (can be turned on in the service menu). I just don't know how to use it.<P>

Built-in tilt & shift lens mounting plate.<P>

Built-in telescopic lens mounting plate to achieve the same effect as macro tubes.<P>

I've got it! A FF sensor that automatically crops to APS-C or an APS sized square or an APS sized circle when an APS sized lens is mounted.<P>

A leather strap<P>

A choice of colours. Not brown with gold lettering.<P>

Flip-up viewfinder to make my ground level macro work easier<P>

Two flash hotshoes. Be nice if they were both active, but even a dummy one underneath the body would be useful.<P>

Built in Metz TTL-remote support<P>

Ability to use external and internal flashes together<P>

Actually, no internal flash at all to save weight and size (Have you seen the size of the capacitor powering that thing ? - it's like 3 AA batteries !) I never use the internal one, and I'd guess I'm not alone. And now I've thought of it, I might cut it out of my K110IR to save weight.<P>

Built in optical trigger for the shutter release so my other cameras can trigger it.<P>

TTL flash support<P>

Two distinct tactile clicks on the shutter release button like on the DS, not the single tactile click like the K100/K110<P>

No pentamirror<P>

Nice soft viewfinder rubber like the DS, not hard like the K100 (and even the K10 if memory serves correct)<P>

Option to select TTL or P-TTL flash depending on my mood.<P>

Option to choose the colour for which the camera meters correctly. Would be used like setting the manual white balance, but independently. Set white balance correctly, then tell the camera to meter for the colour of that poppy over there, then get on with it without blown reds.<P>

Extra few stops of dynamic range in the RAW file.<P>

Less mirror slap<P>

Automatically turn off the AF when adjusting MWB<P>

Ability to remote-sync with other K1s so I can make 3D images of action shots or make effects like on the Matrix. (If I was really rich and had 20 K1s)<P>

Ability to graduate the ISO setting across the sensor. It'd be like using grey graduated filters in the old days before you could use software. But actually graduating the sensor would prevent blown highlights or noisy shadows that software cannot fix.<P>

A more durable metal for the lens mount than on my DS, which appears to be nickle plated soft brass.<P>

And stuff like that. In an ist sized package. Scrap the internal flash to save space and weight. The capacitor really is enormous. Mmm, that'd make the flip-up viewfinder easier to engineer, too. Have top&rear viewfinders.<P>

And TTL flash support.<P>

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