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Need your help with high-resolution images


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Dear all,


Being computer science researchers, my collaborator and I are working on a

project, which evaluates different image enlargement algorithms and proposes a

new one. We would like to use a few high resolution images (more than 2520

pixels in both dimensions) for testing. However, my D50 can only get to 2000

pixel. I am wondering any of you are willing to share a few images with us.

The image content is not important, but we would like to have clean and

detailed photos that have not been PS-ed or jpg-compressed before.


If you share your images with us, we will assume that you give us the right of

using them for non-profit purpose only. We will always acknowledge the source

of the images when we use them.


Any help will be appreciated. Please email me at gongml@msn.com

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Is it an option to take a few photos and stitch them together to make a higher res photo?


Speaking from a practical standpoint (and yes, I have a cs degree, although not in signal processing), I would find it much more useful to develop superresolution software that uses several images of the same subject to create a higher res one than to have a new enlarging algorithm.

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Hi Shun and Oskar,


Thank you very much for your suggestions.


I am not sure if we can use the Nikon images since on the first link it mentions that "Nikon retains all usage rights to these images".


We don't want to stitch multiple images together either as it requires image processing whereas we would like to use raw images from the camera.


Anyway, your helps are appreciated.

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