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My new IIIf RD


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Looks like a beauty. I'd be interesting in hearing how you compare the shooting experience with using an M camera -- not so much the results, which depend more on the era of the glass, but the how user-friendly the camera is in actual use.


Good luck with it!

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Looks like mine which is going on an outing tomorrow morning. Digi cam is staying home


Trim the leader back 21 holes and let 1/8 inch full width stick out from the cartridge. Attach

to take up, take slack out. wind advance and see that film is pulling. Put the bottom on and

finish that frame and two more blanks and you are good to go.


Forget the rest of the schemes to load film.

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Don't be disheartened if the first roll doesn't produce the results you are hoping for. My

experience, learnt the hard way, is that there are very few vintage Leica lenses that won't

benefit from a clean and service.

In fact, if you are on a budget it's better to spend the money on a service than pay the

premium for one the merely looks good. The same goes for the camera, as the

rangefinder image is often cloudy but can be transformed.

I recently bought a Summaron 35 that looked clean but produced washed out results. I

was going to sell the lens but decided instead to have it serviced by Malcolm Taylor. The

result is some of the crispest, sharpest images I've seen from any lens.

The other piece of advice is to get the 50mm accessory finder which clips into the hot

shoe as there hasn't been a camera made that has a better viewfinder. After a few shots

the need to focus and compose in separate viewfinders becomes second nature. Not only

will you get used to it, but you will miss the magnified image and resent the clutter of

other viewfinders when you pick up any other camera.

Good luck, Simon

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IMHO and also my wild imagination, using a screwmount Leica is sorta like dating Paris Hilton. Awfully attractive, but you have to put up with a lot of inconvenience, and you never know if it/she is going to love back. But you will be hanging out with a celebrity.
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Enjoy and take pictures! One word of warning. They can become very addictive and owning just one will not be enough! You will soon want to collect and use other models of the Barnack. At 3am in the morning you will be searching the big auction site for various lenses to compliment your screwmounts. And in the end you will even pawn your mother's/wife's jewelery in order to get a fix! Welcome to the "Dark Side".
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A Leica 111F or 111C is very well suited for a VC21mm , VC25, or VC 28mm 3.5 Lens. You don't even need the rangefinder. Zone focus and shoot. I have a VC21mm permananently attached to my Barnack and it is quick to shoot. Here is a solution to those using a 21mm on a Leica screwmount. As you know there is almost no space between frames, so instead of trying to cut between exposed frames, I skip every 6th frame. I shoot 35 frames to the roll and skip frames 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30. Its a hell of alot easier than cutting a space that has less width than your scissors.
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I had that same rig in Milano in '84 and it did me well. My lens was relatively soft and lower contrast, but that was a good thing. It's a very expressive set up. Any fuss you go through to load or adjust the camera only draws you closer to the conscious act of photography.
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