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Bogens Monolite 400b...help


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Hello James, the Bogen 400B was built by Bowens of London as early as 1978. It is a low cost version of the Bowens Monolite, made especially for Bogen Photo Corp, N.J.


It's output is a true 280 Joule, and you can use all Bowens reflectors/light formers with the "L" (6") collar on it. Modelling lamp is 150 W max. A replacement flash tube assembly is available at CALUMET.


The Bogen 400 B has a very high sync voltage of 220 VDC. This voltage is derived from the 640 VDC across the flash power capacitors by means of a high resistance voltage dividing network. Using Ralph Nader's words: "unsafe at any speed".



The dimmer circuitry of the modelling light is feeding so much interference back down the mains supply line that I could wager a bet that listeners on the radio down the block can tell when you turn on that flash unit.



Whereas there are laws against polluting the environment with radio interference, there are none to keep you from ruining the sync trigger circuitry of modern cameras with sync voltages as found on your Bogen 400B. The people at WEIN may help you out on the sync voltage issue.



On the radio interference issue there is not much you can do. At least you will know who is the villain if the garage door at your neighbor's develops a life of its own every time you are using that 400B.



If you have any other questions, let me know.



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