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Tamron to Nikon portrait and fashion advice?


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I have a 70-200 2.8 vr, a Tamron 28-75 2.8 and a Sigma 10-20. I am thinking of

trading the Tamron for the 18-200 VR and a portrait lens. I cannot afford the

85 1.4 but am thinking of either the 50 1.4 or the 85 1.8 Is the 85 1.8

duplicate of the 70-200 2.8? It is less than 1 stop so will I see much

difference? Also trading the Tamron for the 18-200 good or bad idea. I know the

18-200 duplicate the 70-200, but I want it for one lens travel, but dont want

to get an inferior lens either.

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I don't want to assume but if you are using a DX format DSLR that lets you work with slower lenses the 18-20 is indeed an attractive all in one outfit. If you have deep pockets or need one of the faster zooms then only sell what is not needed. I would keep the 10-20mm and get a 50mm f1.8 that costs about $100. The 50mm is a 75mm portrait lens on the DX format and would be for available light photos.


So a 10-20mm, 18-200mm and $100 for the 75mm effective view 50mm f1.8 afd Nikkor lots of coverage with speed for indoor portraits. Later I would add the Sigma 30mm f1.4 for 45mm normal field of view lens with speed.

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james, you might be disappointed with the 18-200 image quality compared to the tamron, which is one of the sharpest mid-zooms around.


that said, the 18-200 is probably the best travel lens on the market, in that it covers a versatile range and is great for most applications, except for low-light and action. if you're set on a one-lens kit and know you will need the long end, there is no better option.


if you're not absolutely adamant about having one lens -- a backup is a good idea in case your lens malfunctions or you drop it -- i'd consider the 70-300 vr, which would make a great travelling companion to the 28-75 and the 10-20, and the 55-200 vr, which is cheaper, lighter and less useful, but still gives you vr.


you also might want to think about how you'll actually be shooting. do you really think you're gonna need the 76-200 range that much? i personally find the tamron to be a terrific walkaround lens that can stay on the camera for most situations, day or night. don't know why you'd want to get rid of it, especially since it gives you a 43.5mm-112.5mm range on a DSLR at a 2.8 aperture, with better bokeh and image quality than the nikon 18-200.


sure, there are times when you wish it was wider and longer, but i'm not sure why you'd trade a $350 lens for a $750 lens that was far less sharp, and then consider adding an additional $700 in glass on top of that just to get the sharpness and low-light capabilities back.


for travel landscapes and group shots, i'd still want to take a wide-angle lens, though, in any event. and the 50/1.8 is so portable and inexpensive, not to mention razor-sharp and great for low-light and street candids, it'd almost be a shame not to have one in the bag at all times. you can get the 50/1.4 if you want for 2/3rds as much, but i'm not sure it's 2/3rds better, especially on a DSLR.


not sure if i'd consider the 85 a great travel lens, since it's effectively a 127.5mm fixed-focal length lens on a dslr (which i assume you're using since the 18-200 is a dx lens), which is great for headshots but not much else, realistically. it's a great portrait lens, but for travel i'd think a 24-35mm prime or the 50 would be more useful.


also, if you get the 18-200 you might miss the ultrawideness of the 10-20, whereas the 10-20 and the 28-75 work well in tandem. sounds like all you really need is something as long and more portable than the 70-200.


so, keep the tamron. get the 70-300 vr and the 50/1.8 instead of the 18-200. take all three, plus the 10-20, on your trip. think of the bulging muscles you'll have from lugging all that glass around, or just leave what you don't need in your hotel safe. most of the time, you'll find yourself using the tamron anyway. if you just want a one lens system, get a $300 canon s3 or a panasonic fz8. my .02 cents.

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