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4+ recommendation.<P>I don't know just how new it is, but Cartier-Bresson's "Scrapbook" is a real gem for me, even though I already have most of his previous books. For once, the text is really worthwhile. You also get to see many of his original prints (which were technically awful), and some neat contact sheets, including the Kids Playing in the Seville Ruins.
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"Lee Shively, Sep 22, 2007; 11:11 a.m.


I just started the Cartier-Bresson biography. I'm only a chapter and a half into it and I'm hoping the writing gets better."<P>Lee, no it doesn't get any better; worse if anythng. HOWEVER -- stop reading now (before you throw up), and get the DVD "henri cartier-bresson, The Impassioned Eye."<P>After watching it, start reading the book again, and think of it not as a real biography, but as recording the recolections of a very elderly, still mostly alert, quite opinionated and definitely interesting man, I believe you will/should immensly enjoy reading it.

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