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D40x with 17-80mm or D80 kit?


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Hello everyone, I am newbie looking into DSLR!


I am a graphic designer so the camera will be mainly used to produce

graphic/blog/reference photo. I have a F100 with F1.8 50mm lens for almost 1

year, but it's just too heavy for me (I am a tiny person!) Don't get me wrong,

I still love F100 but I also want another digital camera so that I don't need to

develop/scan the photo all the time. I don't think I really need an advanced

camera like d200, I rather to have something lightweight and easy to use.


I am looking into D40x and D80. I know my old lens will only work manually with

D40x but that's not a big problem for me. For most of the reviews I read so

far, seems like a lot of people prefer 17-80mm lens over the 18-55mm that

bundles with D40x. Should I go for 17-80mm?


Should I get D40x or D80?


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IMHO there is nothing to think about the lens. It's a great lens. Concerning the camera, the

D40x seems to be very but just not being able to use all the lenses with it is a big demerit an

this is very personal, it is just too small. The D80 is great, not too big, you can use all the

line up of lenses and I'm sure it has many more options that you won't have on the D40x.

Good luck and enjoy your camera, which ever you buy!



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If you are *that* tiny, maybe a P&S would give you everything you need. But if you want a DSLR, it really comes down to which feels more comfortable for you. The D40x is smaller, the D80 has more features but it may feel too big for you. Try out both of them and see which feels best.


As for the lens, I am not familiar with the 17-80mm. Do you mean the 17-55mm or maybe the 28-80mm? If you mean the 17-55, great lens but it will cost you far more than the camera body.

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I'd totally recommend the D40x and the 18-70mm lens, it would be a great combination. I have a D80 but used the D40 for a day with a tiny 50mm f1.8 Series E lens and I loved it. It's a wonderful small camera. I think the 18-70mm is a step up from the 18-55mm, especially in the 18mm position.
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I would suggest the D40 (not the D40x) and use the money you save to get the Sigma 30mm 1.4 which will focus with the D40. If you have the extra money, get the D40x. Size wise it is perfect for you. Picture quality wise it will deliver images as good as DSLR Nikon cameras costing much, much more. It is a true bargain.


Depending on who you ask, you will get mixed reviews on the 18-55 or 18-70 as to which is better. I have the 18-55 and get superb results with it (sharp, colorful, contrasty images) and because of its weight (or lack of) is a perfect match to the D40/d40x. It focuses very close which comes in handy for extreme closeups.


DO NOT GET A P&S - picture quality above ISO 200 is usually terrible and focus is slow.

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