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Tachihara vs Wista DX


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I have recently been acquainting myself with a new 4x5 Tachihara. As still somewhat of a beginner in LF, I have been generally satisfied and have no immediate plans to replace it. I have had a slight degree of buyer's remorse after comments that the Wista DX is a better constructed camera. I'm basically wondering as a matter of self-education (and thoughts for future upgrade) what the extra few hundred dollars would have allowed me. It's rather odd that in my purusing of LF photographer websites that the Tachihara is rarely mentioned as the camera being used, but there are occational references to the Wista. I'm starting to wonder if the differeneces are significant.
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i shoot a Tachahara and a Linhoff Tech V. The Tachahara is a good

camera. I use it where I need light weight, as in travelling, etc.

Since I shoot other formats, the extra 35 or so pounds of the Linhoff

plus many lenses makes a lightweight system beneficial. I have no

regrets with the camera. The movements are good, the camera has been

steady and therefore I have gotten sharp images. I also had the

thought of getting another more expensive wood field, but didn't The

comments seem to be that they are more sturdy. So far, I haven't put

enough wear on the Tach to have any lack of sturdiness show. I am

careful and try not to abuse equipment.

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Stay with the Tachihara and upgrade your lenses when need be, buy

film when you need it, and use some of the extra money for workshops.

Unless you need something significantly different then learn how to

use what you have and enjoy it. For the price I have been impressed

by the Tachiharas for years.

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Roger: Quit worrying about what other folks use or say and enjoy your

Tachihara. If it gives you ample movements, the ability to handle the

range of lenses you intend to use and everything locks down tight, it

is a good camera. That is the beauty of LF. There aren't such things

as most reliable and best electronics, fastest autofocus, ect. that

the 35mm folks get hung up on. If the Tachihara does what you want it

to do and does it reliably, it is the best LF ever made for you. As

you grow in LF work and get over the learning curve, you will then

know whether another camera will serve you better of if what you have

is the best one for you. Tachiharas are good cameras.

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Roger, I heard that the Tachihara is a "copy" of the Wista, and if

correct I should imagine that there is very little to choose between

the two. I agree with previous threads, be happy with what you've

got!! After all it is the photographer and not the equipment that

makes the difference !! As long as the camera is stable and has the

movements you need , why worry?? As for the Tach having better

joinery than the Wisner, hmmmmm!! IMHO Wisner cameras are very well

made , the price reflects this. My choice from these 3 would

definitely be the Wisner. Remember you get what you pay for!!

Enjoy your Tachihara and invest in some quality lenses....you won't

be disappointed!! Regards Paul

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Thank you kindly the votes of confidence. Being priced several

hundred dollars less new than the next more expensive commonly sold

wooden field, I had just started wondering if there was something I

was missing? Appearently not. I'm still uncertain of the

differences between the models, and though it may be academic, I'm

still curious.

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It has been 5 years since I owned a Wista DX and I have never owned or

used a Tachihara. I have compared the two cameras and they will

basicly do the same thing. The person under the dark cloth and the

lens are the most import elements when comparing these two cameras.

With that said, the differences I saw when comparing the two cameras

were, Wista has a better made bellows, Wista has a little thicker

cherry wood, Wista has a better grade brass metal work. These are the

reasons the Wista cost more money. If I had to do it over again I

would buy the Wista DX. Since you already own the Tachihara, keep it

and enjoy it.

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I was in the same boat a couple of months ago comparing the Tachihara

and the Wista DX. I was going to purchase the Tachihara but I found

a site on the WEB that sells the Wista DX for a price of $825.00. I

would admit that I could have bought a Tachihara for about $200

cheaper but I believe that the Wista is a better constructed camera.

They use Finger Joints to bind each section of the wood together

verses using a metal plate as Tachihara does. In addition to the

finger joints the Wista has a better screen than the Tachihara. If I

couldn't have afforded the extra $200 I would have purchased the

Tachihara. All the reviews that I have read about the Tachihara are

favorable. You will enjoy your camera as I will mine! If money was

no object I would have loved to buy a Wisner (Lifetime Warranty).

Happy shooting......

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