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bracketting for HDR images on d50


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Im just experimenting with my new d50 and I thought Id try some HDR, thats not

really what Im having an issue with but what Im wondering is when I use auto

bracketing I take -5, -3.5, -1, 0, 1, 3.5, 5 and I use the first three photos on

auto bracketting and I could just use three, but then I read dont change the

aperture but it will change the aperture in auto bracket wont it or how do I

make it only change the shutter speed for auto bracket, or can you do it vice

versa even?


(says here


not to adjust aperture during bracketing)



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ah damn Ive just figured it out now by having a test, if you set in aperture only mode then the bracket only changes the shutter, if its shutter mode it only changes the aperture! Glad I got that sorted! (hope its right!)


could someone tell me though, is it best to have it on iso auto or will bracketting then alter some ISOs and each image would have different ISOs?

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Roy, if you use auto ISO, you are defeating some of the purpose of bracketing. HDR works best in high contrast photos, i.e., bright sky with shadow highlights. If, for example, you are trying for three bracketed shots, you want one exposed 'correctly' while another will be exposed for the sky and the third exposed for the shadows. Find the ISO that works best with the 'correct' exposure, then use it for the other shots. FWIW, I use aperture priority, always with a tripod.


Also, don't forget to turn off the bracketing when you complete the shots. It is pretty frustrating to learn later that the camera still thought you wanted bracketing long after you finished.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You can also expose for the highlights, use say 2 stops below the brightest reading, and only take one shot.


Then in post processing, process for plus 1 and plus 2 (for example) and process with HDR.


I've gotten stunning results, with one caveat - noise can be enhanced, so unless you want the effect stay away from higher ISO.




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