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Who password galleries and why


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Some photographers think that they will lose sales if the whole gallery is available to the public.


Other reasons are to save on bandwidth costs, protect the "privacy" of the guests and bride and groom, also its a holdover from the web 1.0 days where people were paranoid about protecting online rights. Some other reasons might be that photographers are afraid that other people will "steal" ideas.

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My view is that this is their 'data'. In the UK we have the data Protection Act which covers images and whilst you can get round this via your contract and 'model releases' you would still be liable if images were used in a way not intended or expected by the B&G. There is currently a court case UK v USA over an image taken arbitrarily from the net and used on an adult site of a young girl fully dressed and posing for her mothers camera.


I provide my couples with a password to ensure they have control over who sees their, often private, moments of their day avoiding any potential problems. They can then give the passowrd out if they so wish.

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"I believe the couple should have full control over who sees the images and/or buys the images."


I agree. I have never asked the bride and groom if they want it protected, but I think it gives them a sense of peace that it is.


Also, there are always the few weddings that are in the VFW hall with chairs stacked agianst the walls, with the less attractive people that you really don't want to represent your work. Don't get me wrong, I do understand that everyone needs a wedding photographer, no matter their physical appearance or their venue choice. But those types are usually not the type that I want the world to see as samples of my work. I'll pick a few good images from the day that are the best to display on my blog, but the rest can stay password protected for their frineds and family to see.

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Exactly right Kari - Only the very best images should be viewable publically. I'd hate to loose business because one of my clients chose an unattractive venue. That's just good marketing.


I DO however provide a password hint. Usually the grooms last name. That way ANYONE who even remotely knows the couple can get in and see the gallery (and purchase photos).

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I agree with password protecting, but I am interested in how you decide which photos you use in your website gallery / marketing; and also whether you re-approach people to see if they are ok about having for example pictures of flowergirls etc in your gallery / marketing, or you just do it because it is in your contract?
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I've never lost business because of an "unattractive venue" or people. I display everyone's photos regardless if they're attractive or not or if they were fortunate enough to have an expensive wedding at a beautiful location or if they rented a less attractive hall. A lot of my clients have venues that may not be the most attractive, but they're great clients to work with and really, your photography skills come into play when it comes to how good the venue looks on your web site. So don't shoot the photos with the stack of folding chairs in the background.

As far as answering how I decide which photos go into the gallery that isn't password protected, I dump any photos that are bad or didn't happen to come out and I make sure all the images look good. As far as the public not needing to see the bride getting dressed, I agree, so I don't post any photos that the bride may be embarrassed by. If I?m not sure, I ask the bride.

I agree with those who've said that putting a password on the gallery may make you lose sales, and thank you to those who answered my question. I was curious. I also show the galleries non-password-protected because it IS a feature I'm offering as part of my package and I want prospective clients to be able to see examples. And I'm proud of my work also, so I'm OK with everyone seeing the galleries. :)

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