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D200 - Corrupt Image

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I've been shooting with a new D200 for about two months now with no problems

but today I was shooting my daughters soccer game and later while viewing the

images on the camera LCD noticed one image from a sequence of five shots taken

in continous mode was corrupt. I've included the image. I was shooting at f5,

1/1250 of a second, ISO 250, AF-C, Preset WB, RAW, center weighted metering,

etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. I had no other images corrupt like this

before or during the rest of the game. The corrupt shot was image #29 out of

#123. I thought maybe I turned the camera off while it was writing from the

buffer since I do this by habit sometimes and since I was shooting RAW it would

have been writing for a much longer time. However, on page 27 from the D200

manual it say's that if the power is turned off while writing it will finish

writing to the card before powering down. Again, I don't remember turning it

off but may have. Also was using a Lexar 4GB 133x WA card. I have three I

purchased since I got my D200 and have never had a problem with any of them as

of yet. I also have six Lexar 1GB WA cards used with my D100 and never had a

problem with them either.


Has anyone else seen or had a corrupt image that looked this and if so do you

know what happened. I'm hoping it's a one time thing but of course am concerned.



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I used to have a similar issue. It happened very infrequently with one of my cameras using a Speedlight. I never isolated the problem, but my suspicion is that it was a CF card issue because I now have CF cards that I never use anymore and I haven't seen the problem for a long time.
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I've had similar problems when shooting with the D200 in continous mode with one specific CF card. I had to use a recovery software to for some of the pictures. I have discarded the CF card since then and not had any issues in the CF mode yet. So hopefully this is a CF card issue and not the D200.
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